Matana UM Surabaya Volunteers Treat Fractures to ISPA

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Gambar Berita Matana UM Surabaya Volunteers Treat Fractures to ISPA
  • 30 Dec
  • 2021

Foto relawan MATANA UM Surabaya di posko lokasi (Dokumentasi: Matana UM Surabaya)

Matana UM Surabaya Volunteers Treat Fractures to ISPA

Novia Nur Laili Student of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) who is a member of the Disaster Response Student (MATANA) who departed a week ago as a disaster volunteer to help recover after the eruption of Mount Semeru shared her experience when starting activities by handling the health of survivors .(30/12/21)

Novia, one of the students assigned to the medical cluster, shared her experience and said that the medical cluster she handled had two services. The second car service is by visiting refugee camps in the assisted villages which are carried out every 2 days.

“Every day there are always interesting stories that make our team touched. Several times I was visited by elderly fracture patients who became victims while running to avoid eruptions until they fell and suffered broken bones. Not only that, you can also find ISPA, myalgia and hypertension here," said Novia in a written statement.

Novia also shared that there are many activities carried out by MATANA volunteers to help the recovery process of affected communities, including a logistics cluster that takes care of food needs in evacuation shelters and public kitchens. A psychosocial cluster that organizes activities and assistance to relieve trauma to children in foster homes.

Head of LPPM UM Surabaya, Dede Nasrullah said that the students who had been dispatched to the disaster site were divided into 9 batches, with an estimated time for each batch of 14 days.

"Students are currently starting to carry out a series of activities such as dealing with the health of survivors, providing trauma healing, carrying out recovery vigil in public kitchens to distributing aid and educational assistance. at the disaster site” said Dede when met in his room.