Matana Volunteers Hold Vaccinations for Semeru Lumajang Eruption Survivors

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Gambar Berita Matana Volunteers Hold Vaccinations for Semeru Lumajang Eruption Survivors
  • 25 Feb
  • 2022

Foto Kegiatan Vaksinasi (Dokumentasi: LPPM UM Surabaya)

Matana Volunteers Hold Vaccinations for Semeru Lumajang Eruption Survivors

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Disaster Response Student (MATANA) collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Branch Manager (PCM) Candipuro, East Java MDMC, East Java Aisyiyah Regional Leaders (PWA) and Lazismu in holding vaccination activities. This activity was held at two points, namely the Penanggal District evacuation area and the Sumbermujur Lumajang Village Hall, East Java (23/02/2022).

More than 500 people from Sumbermujur and Penanggal villages took part in this vaccination activity. The types of vaccine doses 1 and 2 given are Sinovac, Pfizer and Astrazeneca. The activity which starts at 08.00-15.00 WIB is divided into several sessions to avoid crowds.

Vijay Wahyu, UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences student who was part of the vaccination team, explained the flow of activities carried out in the evacuation tents. First, pre-registration is carried out to find out the targets who will get the vaccination, then at the screening table, temperature, blood pressure, and other related matters are checked.

"After completing the screening table, the public can get the vaccine according to their respective doses, then input data to obtain a vaccine certificate," Vijay explained.

In addition, the Head of the UM Surabaya Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Dede Nasrullah said that he really appreciated and was happy for the implementation of the vaccination activity in collaboration with many parties.

"The surge in cases of omicron in the last few weeks has made this vaccination activity very important to be carried out immediately, including for victims of the Mount Semeru eruption. It is hoped that this activity in collaboration with many parties can be carried out in its entirety, so that all levels of society can get the complete vaccine, "explained Dede.

Dede also said that basic food packages were also distributed to people who had received the vaccine. In addition, the Matana health team also provided education about the side effects that would be felt after carrying out the vaccine.