The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Responds Positively to Ambassador Al Busyra's Invitation for Research in Ethiopia

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  • The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Responds Positively to Ambassador Al Busyra's Invitation for Research in Ethiopia
Gambar Berita The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Responds Positively to Ambassador Al Busyra's Invitation for Research in Ethiopia
  • 16 Dec
  • 2021

Internasional Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Responds Positively to Ambassador Al Busyra's Invitation for Research in Ethiopia

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) is holding the 1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research on 15-16 December 2021. One of the keynote speakers is HE Al Busyro Basnur Ambassador of Indonesia for Ethiopia Djibouti and Uni Africa.

In his presentation, Al Busyro explained the history of development and future prospects for Indonesia's relations with African countries, especially Ethiopia.

"Indonesia has had a long historical relationship with African countries, starting with the Asian-African Conference which was held in Bandung in April 1955. In recent years Africa has experienced quite significant developments in the economic and development fields. However, many Indonesian people do not know about these developments, so I need to open up new knowledge about the current progress of the African continent," said Ambassador Al Busyra in front of hundreds of conference participants.

On that occasion, Ambassador Busyra also encouraged lecturers, student researchers, especially UM Surabaya to increase their role in the world of research and research. The role is mainly by enhancing international networking and global cooperation. To strengthen this cooperative relationship, the Ambassador also invited conference participants to be able to do research in a country that has been nicknamed the oldest country as well as the place of the earliest civilizations in the world.

"I invite Indonesian lecturers and researchers, especially at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya to work together and send lecturers and or researchers to Ethiopia," said Ambassador Al Busyra.

He also added that Indonesia has a great opportunity to develop cooperation with Ethiopia and African countries, especially in the field of research. The main problem that has occurred so far is the lack of information and knowledge about the potential for such cooperation

Responding to the exposure of the Ethiopian ambassador, Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, directly expressed his appreciation. He urged researchers or lecturers to follow up on the offer from ambassador Al Busyro.

"The importance of research for lecturers is a form of embodiment of the tri dharma of higher education. Mr. Ambassador Al Busyro's offer must be followed up by the lecturers. I hope that lecturers will not only focus on teaching but also focus on research and community service. We make this Micon a momentum to improve our own quality and capacity as well as international cooperation. Thankfully hundreds of speakers attended from abroad or within the country. Hopefully the Micon which will last for two days will be a big contribution to science in the future," said Suko