Student Innovation Program 2022 UM Surabaya is Held Again, Following are the Requirements

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Gambar Berita Student Innovation Program 2022 UM Surabaya is Held Again, Following are the Requirements
  • 26 Apr
  • 2022

Ilustrasi Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (PIM) 2022) (Dok: BAKAI)

Student Innovation Program 2022 UM Surabaya is Held Again, Following are the Requirements

The 2022 Student Innovation Program (PIM) at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) was held again. This prestigious event which is always awaited by students who have innovation has been opened from April 25 to May 25 with the theme of collaborative innovation.

The Student Innovation Program (PIM) is an annual activity organized by the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI) which aims to accommodate students' creative and innovative ideas.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban Deputy Chancellor three in charge of innovation, human resources, student affairs and alumni explained that the Student Innovation Program (PIM) is open to all UM Surabaya students.

"This student innovation program integrates three important aspects, namely innovation, promotion and service. It is hoped that the integration of the three can produce innovative works to overcome problems being faced by society," said Ma'ruf when met in his room Tuesday (26/4/22)

Ma'ruf also hopes that the innovative works that have been initiated by students in the form of product prototypes, tools or effective applications will have a big impact on society, as in previous years' innovations.

"By carrying out the theme of collaborative innovation, PIM 2022 is carried out on a regional basis, meaning that this activity involves collaboration with high school students in each region which will be carried out in a hybrid manner while adhering to strict health protocols," he added.

Meanwhile, participants who take part in the student innovation program will go through several stages including proposal registration, stage 1 proposal selection, announcement of stage 1 pass proposals, stage 2 selection, i.e. presentation of proposals, announcement of stage 2 proposals, creation of innovative products, product selection stage 3 followed by the announcement of product pass stage 3. Improvement of product innovation, monev and innovation expeditions, evaluation of innovation products via YouTube and finally the final PIM in August.

Furthermore, Ma'ruf added that this activity would be carried out with the concept of an exhibition of 13 student innovation products and would be witnessed by the entire UM Surabaya academic community, then participants would make presentations in front of the jury with an objective assessment.

"Whoever becomes the best 3 later, UM Surabaya will give awards at the appreciation night at the At-Tauhid Tower Building in the form of coaching funds and scholarships," he concluded.