From 5000 Doctoral Programs to 100,000 Publications, the PP Diktilitbang Work Program at the National Working Meeting

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Gambar Berita From 5000 Doctoral Programs to 100,000 Publications, the PP Diktilitbang Work Program at the National Working Meeting
  • 03 May
  • 2023

Prof. Bambang Setiaji Ketua Majelis Diktilitbang di Rapat Kerja Nasional (Humas)

From 5000 Doctoral Programs to 100,000 Publications, the PP Diktilitbang Work Program at the National Working Meeting

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Diktilitbang Council (PP) Prof. Dr. Bambang Setiaji conveyed the PP Diktilitbang policies and programs for the 2022-2027 term. The five programs were presented in front of the leaders of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Universities throughout Indonesia who attended the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) at the JW Marriot Hotel hosted by Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya).

Among these five programs, the first is PTMA in hand. In this case the management of PTMA has experienced development, developing through android applications, one of which is cash management.

"That is, when asking for a signature on budget approval from the rectorate, it has been via cellphone and no longer manually. Other applications are being developed by Dr Gunawan et al. This application will be accessible on the Android Play Store," he said.

Second, the 5000 Doctoral program. Bambang said, 10% of lecturers at PTMA still hold doctorates, in this program as a trigger so that lecturers have the will to continue their doctoral studies and ask PTMA to have lecturer achievements at PTMA 100% Doctoral

According to him, the obstacle in accreditation was a lack of human resources, and PP Diktilitbang asked PTMA leaders to fund lecturers to pursue doctoral degrees. This means that it is not only the building that is being enlarged, but also human resources that need to be enlarged.

According to his explanation, currently PTMA is carrying out a 5000 doctoral program and it must be realized immediately in order to create superior human resources.

"If the lecturers' human resources are good, this will bring a lot of advantages, especially in terms of publication and PTM accreditation which can be used as an example is UMS where the lecturers are expanding to England," he said firmly.

Third, the 100,000 publication program. Published student thesis works under Suara Muhammadiyah. He said that in the digital era, presenting theses and theses needed to be accommodated on a website. The thesis is only 12 pages long which is original and not plagiarized which will be supervised by Suara Muhammadiyah and also Sinta.

At Suara Muhammadiyah there will be journals. Of the 125,000 theses, 100,000 (80 percent) were published, in addition to Suara Muhammadiyah publications were also published in Scopus and WOS, totaling 1000, and we would accommodate the rest in the journals Sinta and journals under Suara Muhammadiyah. The rest will be published by the Public Relations Assembly in the form of working papers.

Fourth, strengthening AIK 4, namely the integration of Al Islam and Science and Technology. Added AIK 4 courses that discuss astronomy, Islamic economics and Islamic medicine. Curriculum reform for PTIM by teaching blockchain, big data, data science, AI and digital intelligence.

"With the addition of the curriculum at the Muhammadiyah Islamic College (PTIM), even though graduates only have tarbiyah degrees, they can compete with PTNs in terms of general curriculum competencies. This is a form of implementation of the contextual slogan of Fastabiqul Khairat," he said.

The fifth or last is the PTMA recovery program through cloning. The leadership of the Director General hopes that for every 1 large PTMA there will be an umbrella for 5 small PTMA so that small PTMA can develop.

"With large PTMAs protecting small PTMAs, AI governance will be equal," he concluded.