Strengthening Da'wah Synergy, LDK PP Muhammadiyah Establishes Cooperation with UM Surabaya

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Gambar Berita Strengthening Da'wah Synergy, LDK PP Muhammadiyah Establishes Cooperation with UM Surabaya
  • 14 Mar
  • 2022

Foto LDK PP Muhammadiyah dengan UM Surabaya di ruang rektorat (dok: FAI)

Strengthening Da'wah Synergy, LDK PP Muhammadiyah Establishes Cooperation with UM Surabaya

Located on the 13th floor of the At-Tauhid Tower building, UM Surabaya received a visit from the Special Da'wah Institute (LDK) of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive. Monday (14/3/22).

Also attending the event was Ziyad as chairman of LDK PPM and his staff accompanied by Moh Arifin as chairman of LDK PWM East Java and his staff. The presence of the delegation was warmly welcomed by the Chancellor of UM Surabaya Sukadiono along with his staff and accompanied by the Head of LPAIK UM Surabaya and the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI).

In his speech, Sukadiono emphasized his commitment as a leader in the Muhammadiyah Charity Business (AUM) to continue to support the organization's da'wah. According to him, business charity has a duty to support the development of syi'ar da'wah in various ways.

"In this case, it can be started from preparing competent human resources, to supporting needs related to syi'ar. For example, with the support of infrastructure that has been provided by UM Surabaya to branches, branches, and various Muhammadiyah Charities (AUM) in the Surabaya area and its surroundings," explained Suko in his speech.

Meanwhile, Ziyad as the Chairperson of LDK PPM said that this gathering was carried out in addition to the momentum of the 38th anniversary of UM Surabaya, also to carry out da'wah synergies, especially with Muhammadiyah Higher Education which has an Islamic Faculty (FAI).

"Hopefully, FAI UM Surabaya will become an institution capable of giving birth to cadres of Islamic da'wah. UM Surabaya preaching is not only through FAI, but also Ma'had Umar Islamic boarding school. This will become a candradimuka crater to prepare the organization's dakwah cadres in the future," said Ziyad.

Ziyad explained this agenda as a precursor to the following agendas. Furthermore, it will be continued by discussing technical matters that can be carried out as a form of da'wah synergy between LDK PP Muhammadiyah and UM Surabaya related to the development of organizational da'wah.

Furthermore, Arin Setiyowati, Head of LPAIK UM Surabaya, who also attended the event, conveyed his efforts to support the preaching of the organization, including through the Real Work Lecture-Development of Branch Branches (KKN-PCR) program.

"LPAIK is also making efforts to encourage all lecturers and students at UM Surabaya to actively participate in moving the branches where they live. The activation begins with the Baitul Arqom activities in accordance with the standards set by the Cadre Education Council (MPK) and the PP Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council," said Arin.

Gandhung Fajar Panjalu Deputy Dean I of FAI conveyed various programs carried out by Faculties and Study Programs at FAI in the context of preaching da'wah. Namely the MAKARIM Ramadhan Safari Cadre Student program which is carried out by the Study of Religions study program, as well as the SAMARA Ramadhan Student Safari program which is carried out by the Ma'had 'Umar class Islamic Family Law study program. The two programs are carried out in coordination with Muhammadiyah Branch Managers in the 3T areas.

"In the future, the pattern of dedication that focuses on the obligation to accompany language learning for two years after study will also be applied to students of the Arabic Language Education program class Ma'had 'Umar," he concluded.