Strengthen Digitalization, UM Surabaya Collaborates with PT.Telkom

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Gambar Berita Strengthen Digitalization, UM Surabaya Collaborates with PT.Telkom
  • 06 Apr
  • 2022

Foto kerjasama rektor UM Surabaya dengan PT Telkom (Dok: Humas)

Strengthen Digitalization, UM Surabaya Collaborates with PT.Telkom

The development of campus digitalization is a necessity and a demand in the midst of the industrial era 4.0. The increasing need for digital technology as a driving force, one of which is in the field of higher education has become a momentum for collaboration between Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) and PT.Telkom in Surabaya.

The MoU collaboration was held on Wednesday (6/4/22) at the 12th floor of the At-Tawhid Building.

UM Surabaya Chancellor, Sukadiono explained, UM Surabaya will continue to move and will continue to grow from year to year to develop cooperation, including with the industrial world.

"We will always strive for the target to achieve the best ranking in Webrometric and QS World Ranking, so that the digitalization of UM Surabaya will be stronger," said Suko when giving his speech.

Meanwhile Putra Winanto, General Manager of PT. Telkom South Surabaya office explained, he was very grateful to be able to work with UM Surabaya, because of its good reputation and development performance.

"We believe that the acceleration of digital infrastructure development can be a total solution for UM Surabaya's needs in making it happen," he said.

The event which was also attended by representatives of Telkom's South Surabaya Branch, Deputy Chancellor IV, Head of KUIK UM Surabaya, and Head of PTI UM Surabaya was carried out solemnly and smoothly, and it is hoped that it will have a big influence on UM Surabaya going forward.