UM Surabaya Student Rankings Rise to 33rd National Position

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  • UM Surabaya Student Rankings Rise to 33rd National Position
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Student Rankings Rise to 33rd National Position
  • 09 Dec
  • 2021

Data empat tahun terakhir prestasi kemahasiswaan UM Surabaya (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

UM Surabaya Student Rankings Rise to 33rd National Position

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya is experiencing another increase in the field of national student affairs in 2021. UM Surabaya has managed to increase its ranking for the last four years. There are 2,327 universities in the ranking. This ranking information can be seen on the Ministry of Education and Culture's Student Rating Management Information System (SIMKATMAWA) page since December 6, 2021.

“Grateful and proud at the same time for the achievements that always go up every year. This year UM Surabaya is in 33rd position in the national ranking, while last year UM Surabaya was in 38th position,” said Junaidy, Head of Student Affairs and Innovation Bureau (BAKAI) when met in his room.

Junaidy also hopes that students can continue to be active and creative in achieving achievements in all fields and not be complacent because maintaining achievement is much more difficult than achieving it.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban, vice-chancellor three in charge of innovation, human resources and student affairs, expressed his pride for the achievements that UM Surabaya has continuously won.

"As stated in the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM), the quality of graduate competition is a major consideration. Through MBKM students are given the opportunity to gain a broader learning experience and new competencies through learning activities. Thus the role of student affairs becomes very strategic in tertiary institutions. It is hoped that student affairs will continue to oversee student achievement through the development of interests, talents, reasoning and creativity, grant programs as well as science and professionalism," said Ma'ruf in a written statement (8/12/2012).

At the end of his family, Ma'ruf also added that students were not only equipped with academic abilities, but also had to be equipped with various student activities to improve soft skills.