Closing of the Surabaya UM KKN, Exhibiting 45 Leading Innovation Products

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Gambar Berita Closing of the Surabaya UM KKN, Exhibiting 45 Leading Innovation Products
  • 30 Aug
  • 2022

Foto rektor UM Surabaya saat mengunjungi stand pameran produk inovasi (Dok: Humas)

Closing of the Surabaya UM KKN, Exhibiting 45 Leading Innovation Products

Dozens of works by University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students during the Community Service Program (KKN) were exhibited at the closing ceremony at the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Tuesday (30/8/22)

It is known that this year the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) divided students into 45 groups spread across 6 regions.

The 6 areas include Surabaya, Pamekasan, Jombang, Lumajang, Lamongan and Bojonegoro. The division of student composition in each region is of course adjusted to the needs and conditions of each region.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, in his speech expressed his pride for the dedication of UM Surabaya students who had implemented knowledge and created appropriate technological innovations that could be applied in society.

"The innovative products produced by KKN students this year are very diverse. Not only focusing on food and beauty products, the results of student innovation are also in the form of appropriate technology that is used according to community needs," said Suko.

He hopes that the resulting innovative products will become one of the solutions with the community to solve a problem and realize sustainable development.

Meanwhile Dede Nasrullah Head of LPPM UM Surabaya emphasized that this year there will be 45 innovative products for villages.

"This year we carry the theme Rise and Work Towards an Empowered Society. Thankfully 45 innovations have been produced by UM Surabaya KKN students during village service," explained Dede.

Some of the innovative products made by students include the innovation of rebon shrimp dryers, anti-stunting nom-nom sinom, innovation of banana peel waste into liquid organic fertilizer, digital map: Senduro Semeru roaming, herbal toothpaste, low emission waste burner, salak skin tea, waste diet plastic, processed salted fish innovation products and other interesting innovations.

Dede emphasized that with the creation of innovations that have been produced, UM Surabaya students have had valuable work experience through direct community involvement, namely finding, formulating, solving and tackling development problems in a pragmatic and interdisciplinary manner.

"During KKN students will certainly appreciate the conditions and be sensitive to the complex problems faced by society, which requires them to think critically and solve problems based on science and technology," said Dede again.

He also hopes that after carrying out this activity the tertiary institution will receive feedback from inputs that can be useful for increasing the relevance of education and research conducted to the needs of community development.