Researchers Say The Pandemic Is The Right Moment To Learn English

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Gambar Berita Researchers Say The Pandemic Is The Right Moment To Learn English
  • 16 Dec
  • 2021

Foto Waode Hamsia dalam acara MICon 2021

Researchers Say The Pandemic Is The Right Moment To Learn English

Waode Hamsia, a Doctor of Educational Technology and also a Lecturer in English Education at FKIP UM Surabaya, explained that the current pandemic condition is the right momentum to learn English. The results of his research were presented in the Muhammadiyah International Conference (MICon) agenda which was held by UM Surabaya on 15-16 December 2021.

Waode said that the use of technology cannot be avoided and cannot be separated in the teaching and learning process since COVID-19. This has sparked online learning (virtual learning). Educators as facilitators adjust material that was previously designed to be delivered in classrooms to suit e-learning material.

The results of his observations during the pandemic showed that a solution was needed to improve the quality of learning which was considered not to have been carried out optimally. In improving the quality of learning by adjusting the development of learning technology. To achieve this, it is necessary to revolutionize and be oriented towards modern learning that uses electronic media such as laptops, smartphones and others. So that it can encourage the learning process in the era of information technology.

Waode emphasized the importance of a teacher's ability to use and integrate technology to guarantee students in online learning. According to him, the readiness of educators to apply the blended learning model is the determination of digital literacy, digital classroom management, and digital assessment used in e-learning in the information technology era. So it is necessary to change the online learning model wherever and whenever independently.

"Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya has implemented a blended learning model, especially English learning to improve the ability of students and lecturers to communicate in English by using the English Discoveries platform to learn every day anytime and anywhere. This platform is a supplement for learning English with integrated skills material. So that English communication skills are honed and improved, "he explained.

Furthermore, Waode showed his findings that this online learning platform is also flexible in being able to adjust the learning needs of students according to their level (Basic, Intermediated and Advanced). So that students who have different abilities will have different levels as well.

This learning media also provides interactive features and training media with actual practice for 6 language skills which consist of listening, reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary and grammar. grammar).

The findings are considered effective because most other online learning platforms, apart from not having complete learning features yet, are also not yet integrated for language skills. Nor is it optimal in an assessment-based pedagogical approach to teaching English.

"This learning platform provides teachers and students with an interesting and effective English learning experience, so that an online learning platform using English Discoveries is a technology-based comprehensive and institutional English learning solution in the pandemic era," he concluded at MiCon 2021