New Student Registration for FKG UM Surabaya Opens in Early May 2023, Check the Quota

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Gambar Berita New Student Registration for FKG UM Surabaya Opens in Early May 2023, Check the Quota
  • 28 Apr
  • 2023

Foto Gedung Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (FKG) UM Surabaya

New Student Registration for FKG UM Surabaya Opens in Early May 2023, Check the Quota

The UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) will soon open registration for the first batch of new students in early May 2023.

There are 25 quotas provided for prospective new students in two study programs (prodi). The two study programs at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry are the Bachelor of Dentistry Program and the Dentistry Professional Education Study Program.

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, said that the opening of the FKG operational permit further complemented study programs in the health sector that UM Surabaya had had since 2016. Some of these study programs are nursing, midwifery, Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM), Physiotherapy, and Pharmacy.

"We want to complement the health sector with the Bachelor of Dentistry study program and the Dentist Professional Study Program which enter FKG. We have received an operational permit on March 28, 2023," said the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, Thursday (27/4/2023).

Suko explained that registration in early May could be done through the New Student Admissions Information Center (LIPMB). While the written test (CBT) will be conducted in mid-June 2023.

According to his explanation, FKG UM Surabaya has 8 lecturers for the Bachelor of Medicine program, and 11 lecturers for the Medical Profession. This means that the amount has exceeded the required conditions.

"God willing, we are very ready because the human resources have fulfilled, more in number than specified," added Suko again.

Regarding facilities and infrastructure, Suko said that the university had completed the basic lab needs for FKG lectures. Such as Dentistry Materials Science and Technology Lab (ITMKG), Skill Lab, Oral Biology and Radiology Labs.

"In the skill lab we have 25 dental simulators. Then ITMKG deals with basic dental practice, oral biology is in the microbiology lab then there is dental radiology," he explained.

In the future, FKG UM Surabaya will also introduce knowledge in the field of digital dentistry. In fact, this field is for dentistry specialists. However, because technology is getting more sophisticated, his party will introduce this knowledge to students.

"In the field of Digital Dentristy, if you used to use dentures you had to use a mold first, now it's enough to just take a photo and you can process the mold," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the Oral Dental Hospital for the dentist's professional lab, currently the study program is in the process of conducting a feasibility (visibility) study program in accordance with the integrity pact submitted to the Directorate of Institutions.

"We will complete the Oral Dental Hospital at the end of 2024," he said.

Finally, he added that the opening of new admissions for FKG UM Surabaya referred to the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 302/E/O/2023 concerning permission to open the Dentistry Study Program.