Persebaya coach Aji Santoso encourages universities to become sports science laboratories

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  • Persebaya coach Aji Santoso encourages universities to become sports science laboratories
Gambar Berita Persebaya coach Aji Santoso encourages universities to become sports science laboratories
  • 09 Aug
  • 2022

Foto Pelatih Persebaya Aji Santoso saat memberikan kuliah tamu di UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

Persebaya coach Aji Santoso encourages universities to become sports science laboratories

Persebaya Coach Aji Santoso had the opportunity to give a guest lecture at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) with the theme "Reading the Future of Football in Indonesia: From Soccer Schools to Cadreization of Young Players" at the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Tuesday (9/8/22 )

In front of hundreds of guest lecture participants, Aji conveyed his views during his time as an Indonesian football player and coach.

“There are at least 3 big potentials for football in Indonesia. First, the extraordinary enthusiasm of the community, secondly, the many talented players and fanatical supporters," said Aji.

According to Aji, the current coaching problems in football are the lack of connection between the SSB academy and the club, the lack of ideal competition and the exploitation of players by team.

In his presentation the trainer who was born in Malang explained the coaching model that should be carried out. One of them is by increasing the number of quality training facilities, increasing number of coaches and producing them. According to him, every club must have KU 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 players and increase competition and tournaments.

At the end of his presentation, Aji thanked UM Surabaya for being the only campus that fully supports and fully supports the progress of football in Indonesia. He invited UM Surabaya to work together to become a sports science laboratory.

"This collaboration should be able to make UM Surabaya a sports science laboratory. A place to find methods or practice test sites that are useful for the development of football," he explained again.

According to him, cooperation with a sports science club or sports management will benefit both parties.