Muhammadiyah Conference Attended by 3 Million People, UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips to Protect Yourself from Dense Crowds

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  • 15 Nov
  • 2022

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Muhammadiyah Conference Attended by 3 Million People, UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips to Protect Yourself from Dense Crowds

The 48 Muktamar Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah which will be held on 18-20 November 2022 is expected to be attended by 3 million people. This was conveyed by the congress committee and did not rule out the possibility of severe traffic jams occurring on a number of roads in the city of Solo during the implementation of this five-yearly big meeting. Apart from traffic jams, crowds will also occur at the activity location.

Lecturer at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Idham Choliq said crowds and traffic jams make a person easily tired and also emotional, so he gave a number of tips to protect himself from dense crowds.

First, is to know the condition of the location. He appealed that before Muhammadiyah members leave for the Muktamar arena, it is better to understand the environment of the event. This can be done by searching for information on the internet or asking fellow Muhammadiyah members who understand the location of the Muktamar arena.

"It is important to know the situation and location of the entrance as well as knowing the location of the nearest exit from where someone is, this is important to do to anticipate bad events from happening," said Idham Tuesday (11/15/22)

Second, put your hands in front of your chest. When a crowd, this will help create more space between yourself and the person in front of him. He gave the example of standing like a boxer with one foot in front of the other so that a person will be more stable and can absorb pressure better from people who are pushing.

"With this position, one will also keep the knees flexible, so that the body is not stiff and can move," he added again.

Third, don't pick up fallen items when there is a crowd. According to Idham, if an object falls during a crowd, don't bend over and grab it, this might prevent someone from getting back up.

"This is very high risk of causing someone to be trampled by the masses," he added.

The fourth brought a cell phone. In the condition of many people, Idham advises that cellphones are always fully charged. This is for someone to gain access to information about any disturbances or incidents that are currently taking place. As well as contacting someone if you need help.

Fifth, don't shout when you're in a crowd. When someone screams he will need a lot of oxygen. According to Idham, the air in crowds tends to be hot and humid.

"Raise your head to get more access to fresh air, this step is important so you don't run out of oxygen or have difficulty breathing," he added.

Sixth, if someone falls in a crowd, try lying on their left side. This is to protect the heart and lungs. If a person is prone or lying down and people fall on top of them, there is a risk that the chest will be compressed.

Lastly, follow and directives from the committee. Following the rules and suggestions from the Muktamar committee will help the activity run smoothly.