38th Anniversary, UM Surabaya Initiates the 2022 Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS).

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Gambar Berita 38th Anniversary, UM Surabaya Initiates the 2022 Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS).
  • 09 Mar
  • 2022

Foto Rektor UM Surabaya dan Wakil Rektor di Pembukaan Milad UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

38th Anniversary, UM Surabaya Initiates the 2022 Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS).

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) held the opening of its 38th anniversary at the At-Tauhid Tower Building, 13th Floor on Wednesday (9/3/2022). The opening ceremony which was attended by the entire academic community was carried out in a hybrid manner.

"This Anniversary we raise the theme of growing roots. A theme that will be a reminder to all academics. We want to continue to grow and take root in society." Suko said in his speech.

Suko explained that growing and taking root has a deep meaning. The campus will continue to grow in terms of infrastructure, facilities, potential human resources and international cooperation. Take root by continuing to spread benefits to the wider community.

Furthermore, Suko also conveyed various achievements from lecturers and students in both academic and non-academic fields to international cooperation.

"UM Surabaya experienced a very significant increase. Today the scale of UM Surabaya's association is not only on an Asian scale but has moved to Europe and America," he added.

In academic terms, UM Surabaya recorded an increase in achievement in the competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Among them are the Student Creativity Program (PKM), the Village Empowerment Development Program (P3D), the National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCTBN), the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI), the Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) and the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D). ).

"In the Freedom to Learn Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program, UM Surabaya received an award from the Ministry of Education and Culture in the 2021 Diktiristek Award as a Higher Education with Courses Followed by the Most Students from Off-Campus in the 2021 Domestic Student Exchange Program. UM Surabaya is the only private university in East Java received the award," he explained.

Meanwhile, non-academic achievements are no less encouraging. Last year 9 students contributed gold and silver medals in the PON Papua. There are also achievements in national-scale e-sport competitions, pencak silat and other achievements.

In addition to conveying campus achievements. Suko also said that the 38th anniversary would be different.

"This year, one of the interesting agendas that will enliven the anniversary celebration is the 2022 Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS) agenda. A literacy agenda that makes Semeru an icon and center of activity," explained Suko at the end of his remarks.

Meanwhile Radius Setiyawan, Milad 38 Project Director said that this year's milad series will be filled with various activities that involve the participation of all academics and the community in the field of science and service, one of which is the Semeru Literacy Festival (FLS) program.

"This 38th anniversary, UM Surabaya is preparing the 2022 Semeru Literacy Festival program with a series of activities including nature schools, smart kids competitions, publication of disaster research results, book launching, health checks, photography competitions and other interesting agendas." Radius said.

At the end of his statement, Radius also added that the literacy agenda is an advanced campus program in Semeru. It has been recorded since the disaster in Semeru, UM Surabaya has been actively involved in disaster management, both psychosocial, educational, health and other agendas.

"Through this festival we want to further increase our concern for Semeru and emphasize that Semeru is an important part of Indonesia." he said.