Those Who Graduated Without a Thesis at the 47th Graduation Ceremony of UM Surabaya

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Gambar Berita Those Who Graduated Without a Thesis at the 47th Graduation Ceremony of UM Surabaya
  • 21 Nov
  • 2021

Foto Rahman Timung bersama Rektor di Wisuda UM Surabaya (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

Those Who Graduated Without a Thesis at the 47th Graduation Ceremony of UM Surabaya

The 47th Graduation at University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya will be held from 20-22 November 2021 in a hybrid manner. Of the thousands of students who graduated in this period, there were 4 students who graduated without a thesis.

The four students are Riska Rahayu (FKIP), Cindi Novita (FKIP), Rahman Timung (FH), and Dian Lailatullaillah (FAI). They pass because they have published scientific journals and book chapters so they are exempt from thesis. The three students succeeded in equating their research with a thesis and were successfully published in the journal Science and Technology Index (Shinta)3.

M. Ridwan Vice Chancellor 1 in charge of academics conveyed that there is a conversion concept in the context of equating scientific journals with theses.

"This effort is a form of UM Surabaya's commitment that UM Surabaya implements Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM). The existence of this final project is very good because student research can be tested properly. Therefore UM Surabaya encourages students to produce as many journals as possible," he said.

Meanwhile, Riska Rahayu, one of the students who graduated without a thesis, said that working on the journal she made went through a long process, but was fun and enjoyable.

“I myself worked on it for about a month, while the journal publication and verification process took three months. I am interested in trying the final journal project because it is concrete and critical in the process and results. Plus I've been studying cases for my journal since I was a freshman. This makes it easier for me in the process of doing my final assignment," he explained.

In the future, the student from Bojonegoro hopes that the campus can encourage students to be more courageous in working through their final project in the form of a journal. On the other hand, students are also expected to be able to understand that writing a journal is fun and interesting.

Likewise Rahman Timung, a student from Alor, NTT 2, whose research has been successfully published in (op-ed) online media and one of his research in the bookchapter published by the faculty.

“I have been preparing for this for a long time. Since I entered college, I was interested in research, but I did not expect that my research would be published. I think campuses should be more active in their students to write research like this. If this is done well, it will benefit both of them, both in the completion of the final assignment and the accreditation of the department," he concluded.