Following Alwi and Hidayat, 3 main Persebaya players became UM Surabaya students

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Gambar Berita Following Alwi and Hidayat, 3 main Persebaya players became UM Surabaya students
  • 01 Nov
  • 2022

Foto Pemain Persebaya saat mendaftar di UM Surabaya (Humas)

Following Alwi and Hidayat, 3 main Persebaya players became UM Surabaya students

Rizky Ridho Ramadhani, Indonesian national team players, Koko Ari (Persebaya) and Andre Oktaviansyah (Persebaya) officially registered to study at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) on Tuesday (1/11/22)

Rizky Ridho, Koko Ari Araya and Andre Oktaviansyah completed several requirements to become UM Surabaya students, in building A floor 1 at the New Student Admissions Information Institute (LIPMB). Both of them filled out the online registration form, took a written test and collected the required files.

Ridho, a man born in Surabaya on November 21 2021 who plays as a center back, has skyrocketed his name when he joined the Persebaya U-20 squad, even despite his very young age Rizky was immediately promoted to the Persebaya Senior team from 2020 until now.

According to his statement, Rizky Ridho will take the Management Study Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UM Surabaya.

Ridho admitted that his motivation to continue his studies was not only his own desire, but also strong encouragement from his parents. According to him, education is an important thing that cannot be ruled out because it serves as a provision or guide for himself in the future. .

"At first I was hesitant to go to college because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to share my time, but when I found out that at UM Surabaya there were special facilities and a special curriculum for athletes, I was relieved, of course that would be very helpful," said Ridho.

It seems that apart from his skill as an athlete, Ridho also has noble aspirations, namely to become a trainer in the village. He feels that his success today stems from his village and small field in the Simo Gunung Kramat area.

"In my village I can be more useful and can help many people," he said.

Meanwhile, Koko Ari, a mainstay player who earned the nickname The Rising Star by Persebaya and plays as a right-back, is taking the same major as Rizky Ridho, namely the Study Program (Management)

When asked about the reasons why he chose the Management study program, it seems that the man who was born in Surabaya said that the Management Study Program was very close to his life. One of them wants to study sports management.

Unlike Ridho and Koko, Andre Oktavinsyah chose the Law Study Program at UM Surabaya. The athlete who gets the nickname The Cobra does have an interest in the legal field.

Rizky, Kok and Andre all three entered UM Surabaya through the athlete scholarship route given by UM Surabaya in full.

As recipients of athlete scholarships, the three of them thanked UM Surabaya for being a campus that really cares about athlete education, not only in East Java but athletes throughout Indonesia.

All three are optimistic that they can manage the time between college and their football careers. He hopes to run both well.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya Sukadiono explained that the scholarship program for athletes was not only carried out for the first time. But it had been done several years before.

"This is the fifth year that UM Surabaya has consistently provided full scholarships to athletes. Not only Persebaya athletes, but also athletes from all over Indonesia who want to study at UM Surabaya," explained Suko.

Suko even asked the athletes who were new students at UM Surabaya to transmit enthusiasm to other athletes to continue their education.

He said the awarding of this scholarship was a university effort to contribute to sports in Indonesia, while at the same time encouraging students who have sports achievements to continue to develop their abilities.

"In addition to getting a special curriculum, athletes who are accepted will get rights by freeing building fees, education funds and free form fees," said Suko again.

Suko really hopes that the knowledge gained by athletes at UM Surabaya will be very useful in the future, when he is no longer an athlete.

Not only that, Suko also hopes that UM Surabaya will not only become a campus of a million innovations but also a campus for athletes.