The Minister of PMK RI Appreciates UM Surabaya as the Al-Maunis Pioneer Campus

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Gambar Berita The Minister of PMK RI Appreciates UM Surabaya as the Al-Maunis Pioneer Campus
  • 31 Mar
  • 2022

Foto Menteri PMK RI di acara Pra-Muktamar Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah ke-48 (Dok: Humas)

The Minister of PMK RI Appreciates UM Surabaya as the Al-Maunis Pioneer Campus

The Coordinating Minister for PMK of the Republic of Indonesia Muhadjir Effendy was also present as a keynote speaker at the 48th Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Pre-Congress seminar organized by the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) on Thursday (31/3/22)

"By raising the theme of assisting disabled, marginal dhu'afa and mustad'afin groups with a new model of social empowerment, the seminar initiated by UM Surabaya is in accordance with the spirit of Al Maun, one can say that UM Surabaya is a pioneer of Al Maunis," said Muhadjir in front of hundreds of seminar participants .

He emphasized that UM Surabaya's commitment and concern should be appreciated as highly as a campus that sides with the poor and mustad'afin.

"This seminar can be an arena for conveying various ideas and thoughts, especially since Muhammadiyah has a high commitment to social movements," he said again.

In his remarks he invited seminar participants, especially UM Surabaya, to concentrate on handling stunting, as a vital issue that is currently being the government's attention. All of this was done to support efforts to develop Indonesia's human resources.

"The problem of stunting is very important which must be addressed immediately because the early period of child development is related to the continuation of later life to become superior seeds starting from the pre-natal period, up to the beginning of birth, this early period is what is referred to as the golden age," he added.

He also added that apart from the physical aspect, another indicator of stunting that needs to be considered is the aspect of brain development or intelligence (non-physical). In this case, Aisyiyah has been doing a lot to prevent stunting.

Furthermore, he explained the matter of demographic bonuses if there is dysfunction, then the country will be faced with an aging population, namely a population of non-productive elderly human resources who are expanding and becoming a burden to the state, and our country will not develop, or become a middle-income country.

"There are at least 30,000 orphans due to Covid-19. If their life is not maintained and guaranteed, this will risk becoming a loss generation, namely a new generation that cannot develop their life, both economically, educationally and socially," he explained.

Meanwhile, in his speech, Sukadiono, the rector of UM Surabaya, explained that the spirit of the Muhammadiyah movement was inspired by the letter Al Maun from the start, so that Muhammadiyah in its movements would always be consistent in siding with the mustadhafin, marginalized and isolated communities.

"UM Surabaya will continue to be committed to assisting marginalized groups, dhu'afa. UM Surabaya will continue to strive to provide answers to humanitarian problems that are just without discrimination, glorify human dignity, including overcoming problems experienced by persons with disabilities," said Suko.

He hopes that the Pre-Congress of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah which is being held today will be the answer as well as overcoming problems in the midst of Muhammadiyah's focus on high social movements.