Menparekraf Signs Collaboration with UM Surabaya, Following are the Four Implementations

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Gambar Berita Menparekraf Signs Collaboration with UM Surabaya, Following are the Four Implementations
  • 25 May
  • 2023

Foto Rektor UM Surabaya menunjukkan bukti MoU bersama Sandiaga Uno di Gedung At Tauhid Tower (Humas)

Menparekraf Signs Collaboration with UM Surabaya, Following are the Four Implementations

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno through the Superkey Consulting Group (SCG) Sandination emphasized cooperation with UM Surabaya which was marked by a photo with the Chancellor of UM Surabaya Sukadiono in the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Thursday (25/5/23)

The implementation of this collaboration includes four things including: organizing a training scholarship program, organizing a teaching practitioner program (practitioners as guest lecturers), organizing leadership, career and business programs and organizing apprenticeship programs, and job distribution.

Not only press collaboration with UM Surabaya, Sandi also provides digital marketing training to students, students, creative communities to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a vulnerable age of 17-30 years.

According to him, the purpose of this activity is as an effort to provide youthpreneurship and digital marketing skills in opening and creating jobs. Sandi also motivated the participants to open business opportunities for entrepreneurship.

According to him, youthpreneurship skills training will be able to create a stronger economy by creating new jobs. This will encourage students to be digitally literate effectively in enhancing modern communication.

“Digital technology has had a tremendous impact on the world. The use of digital technology has been able to change the world and has formed communication patterns without geographical barriers, so that in business practice, digital technology can accelerate business processes," he said in front of the participants.

At the end of his presentation, Sandi also provided scholarship assistance to eight Sandination entrepreneur scholarship winners directly. According to him, giving scholarships to young people to answer challenges, he emphasized that MSME actors need digitalization and it is young people who have creations and innovations.

"This scholarship is to help young people not only in learning activities on campus, but with the concept of an independent campus, young people can create content and help sell MSMEs. So besides gaining knowledge, it will also increase the economy and employment opportunities," he said.

He also advised young people to do three things, first to always improve their competence, secondly to adjust their skills and lastly to find out what new competencies they have.

Meanwhile, Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, in his remarks welcomed and thanked him for choosing UM Surabaya as the host.

As a campus of a million innovations, Suko said that when living in a digital world, innovation must continue to be carried out to keep up with the times. This is in line with Muhammadiyah, which is adaptive and innovative.