Get to know Sisilia Agustiani Ora, UM Surabaya Karate Athlete with a Myriad of World Achievements

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Gambar Berita Get to know Sisilia Agustiani Ora, UM Surabaya Karate Athlete with a Myriad of World Achievements
  • 07 Sep
  • 2022

Foto Sisilia Agustiani Ora Atlet Karate UM Surabaya (Humas)

Get to know Sisilia Agustiani Ora, UM Surabaya Karate Athlete with a Myriad of World Achievements

Sisilia Agustiani Ora, a karate athlete who was born in Blitar on August 21, 1992, apparently has been practicing karate since she was in grade 4 at SD Negeri Karang Pilang 1 Surabaya. The woman who is familiarly called Sisil knows karate thanks to the trainer at Senpai Arif Rangkuti's house.

When he was still in elementary school, Sisil often took part in competitions, the first medal he won was 3rd place at the Regional Championship (Kejurda). When he entered junior high school (SMP) to high school, his potential as a karate athlete was increasingly visible, because his achievements were increasing at the national level.

“What I remember most was when I was in junior high school at the Jombang Open Tournament where I won the Regent's Cup, I was hit in the jaw. This almost made me quit karate,” Sisil recalls.

But it didn't take long for him to believe again. Thanks to the support of his parents and those around him, Sisil got back up and took part in a championship at a higher level.

Currently Sisilia Ora is a third semester student who is a recipient of an athlete scholarship at the Muhamamdiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Management Study Program.

The name Sisilia Agustiani Ora soared and became increasingly known after winning the gold medal, said the women's individual PON 2016 which was held in Bandung, West Java. He managed to overthrow Yulianti Syafrudin with a score of 4-1.

Not only that, he also brought home a silver medal at the 2017 SEA Games.

Sisil said that in the near future he will take part in the East Java Kejurprov Championship September 9-11 in Magetan and Jakarta Series A November 18-20 in Jakarta.

National to International Achievements

In an interview with Sisil, a UM Surabaya journalist has summarized dozens of national and international achievements that have been made by this beautiful woman who also enjoys singing. Here are the details:

International Achievements

•             1st place in SEA Games Jakarta 2011

•            Champion 1 Premier League Istanbul 2011

•            3rd place in Asia Karate Senior Quanchou 2011

•            Champion 3 Premier League Jakarta 2014

•             5th Place Asian Games Incheon 2014

•             1st place in South East Asia Laos 2014

•            Champion 3 South East Asia Malaysia 2016

•            5th Place World Championship Linz 2016

•            1st place in South East Asia Indonesia 2017

•            3rd Place in Baku Islamic Solidarity Games 2017

•            Champion 2 Asia Championship Kazakhstan 2017

•             Champion 2 SEA Games Malaysia 2017

•            2nd place in Turkey Open Istanbul 2018

•            1st place in Surabaya International Open 2019

National Achievement

•             Champion 1 Kasad Cup 2010

•            Champion 3 PON Riau 2012

•             Champion 1 West Java PON 2016

•             1st place in the 2018 ASIAN Games National Selection

•             Champion 2 National Forester Open 2019

•             Champion 2 in 2021 PON Papua

Commitment is Key

When sharing his journey with UM Surabaya journalists, he said that the key to success in his career is commitment.

Athlete commitment is an important matter. No matter how great or great the talent of an athlete, achievement can be an impossible problem without commitment. Talking about commitment, of course we talk about motivation.

"Every time I win a championship, I always motivate myself so that I don't get complacent easily. This has proven to keep me consistent and keep practicing to this day," said Sisil.

Thanks to his commitment, the Indonesian Karate-Do Sports Federation chose him as a senior administrator at FORKI. He was lined up as head coach.