Want to Study at UM Surabaya 2023/2024? Check Your Dream Major in These 9 Faculties

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Gambar Berita Want to Study at UM Surabaya 2023/2024? Check Your Dream Major in These 9 Faculties
  • 24 Aug
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

Want to Study at UM Surabaya 2023/2024? Check Your Dream Major in These 9 Faculties

Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) is one of the best private universities (PTS) in East Java and Indonesia. Even the results released by UniRank 2023 UM Surabaya are in the top 3 best private universities in Surabaya. If you are one of the students who have made up your mind to study at UM Surabaya, you need to prepare carefully starting from choosing a major to entering into UM Surabaya, whether it's an independent route or a scholarship.

Located on Jalan Raya Sutorejo No.59, Dukuh Sutorejo, Kec. Mulyorejo, City of Surabaya. University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya was founded on March 9, 1984. Initially, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya consisted of several existing higher education institutions. These institutions are the Faculty of Religious Sciences, the Da'wah Department (FIAD), which was founded on September 15, 1964, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Surabaya, founded in 1975, IKIP Muhammadiyah Surabaya, founded in 1980, the Faculty of Syari'ah Surabaya, founded in 1982, and the Muhammadiyah Institute of Technology, Surabaya. founded in 1983.

Then, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. No: 0141/0/1984, the Muhammadiyah Surabaya Teachers' Training College, the Muhammadiyah Surabaya Institute of Technology and the Muhammadiyah University of Gresik were merged into one under the name Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, hereinafter abbreviated as UM Surabaya.

Study Program at UM Surabaya

As information material for prospective students who wish to continue their studies at UM Surabaya, the following are the study majors available at 9 faculties of UM Surabaya for the 2023/2024 academic year. Here are the details:

1.     Faculty of Islamic Religion

·         S1 Islamic Religious Education (Tarbiyah)

·         S1 Islamic Family Law (HKI / Syari'ah)

·         S1 Study of Religions (Ushuluddin)

·        S1 Sharia Banking

2.      Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)

·        S1 Management

·        S1 Accounting

3.      Faculty of Law (FH)

·        S1 in Law

4.      Faculty of Psychology (FPsi)

·        S1 Psychology

5.      Faculty of Medicine

·        S1 Medical Education

6.      Faculty of Dentistry (FKG)

S1 Dentist Education

7. Faculty of Teaching and Education (FKIP)

·         S1 Indonesian Language and Literature Education

·        S1 English Education

·        S1 Mathematics Education

·        S1 Biology Education

·        S1 PG PAUD

·        S1 PGSD

·         S1 Visual Communication Design (DKV)

8.      Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK)

·         S1 Nursing

·         S1 Midwifery

·         S1 Physiotherapy

·        S1 Pharmacy

·        D3 Nursing

·         D3 Medical Laboratory Technology (Health Analyst)

·         D4 Medical Laboratory Technology (Health Analyst)

9.      Faculty of Engineering

·        S1 Electrical Engineering

·         S1 Marine Engineering

·        S1 Mechanical Engineering

·        S1 Civil Engineering

·        S1 Architectural Engineering

·        S1 Industrial Engineering

·         S1 Informatics Engineering

It should be noted that UM Surabaya new student registration has entered its third batch and will close on August 31. Those are the study majors available at UM Surabaya for the 2023/2024 academic year. For complete information, prospective students can access the campus' official website at um.surabaya.ac.id or 085852446337