Matana UM Surabaya Helped the Semeru Victim's Childbirth

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Gambar Berita Matana UM Surabaya Helped the Semeru Victim's Childbirth
  • 13 Jan
  • 2022

Foto MATANA UM Surabaya saat membantu persalinan (Dok: Humas LPPM)

Matana UM Surabaya Helped the Semeru Victim's Childbirth

Happy news came from the Sumbermujur Lumajang evacuation post in East Java last weekend. Selma Karomy, a student at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) who is a member of (MATANA) Student Disaster Response at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) shared her experience helping Semeru victims give birth. Wednesday (12/1/22)

Selma, who was assigned to the health cluster, shared her experience helping Jumiati (26), a survivor of the Semeru eruption when she was about to give birth.

"Wednesday afternoon, we received news that a survivor was about to give birth and had red spots, so the health team and I immediately provided intense assistance," said Selma in a written statement.

Selma also added that after she and her team visited Jumiati, the survivors were still in good condition and had not felt any additional contractions. However, after completing the evaluation of the activities, the volunteers received news that Jumiati had contractions and could not stand the pain.

"Quickly the MATANA team moved using a passenger car that was used during activities in Sumbermujur village. We took the survivors to the nearest midwife. Fifteen minutes later the survivor gave birth safely," added Selma.

At the end of her statement, Selma also said that this was a very valuable experience for herself and the team, because she could examine and assist during the birth process. He hopes that in the future events like this can be better prepared for him.

Head of LPPM UM Surabaya Dede Nasrullah said that he really appreciated what MATANA UM Surabaya had done.

"Apart from carrying out a humanitarian mission, MATANA UM Surabaya has carried out a very noble task, the mother and baby are healthy and safe. Not only being an ordinary volunteer, I am sure that all MATANA who are dispatched are applying the knowledge they have learned in the community," said Dede when met in his room.