Entering Batch 3, UM Surabaya Continues to Open KIP-K Scholarships, Athletes, Influencers to Tahfidz

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Gambar Berita Entering Batch 3, UM Surabaya Continues to Open KIP-K Scholarships, Athletes, Influencers to Tahfidz
  • 14 Jul
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

Entering Batch 3, UM Surabaya Continues to Open KIP-K Scholarships, Athletes, Influencers to Tahfidz

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) new student registration has entered batch 3 which was opened from July 1 to August 31 2022. In this batch 3 registration, UM Surabaya consistently opens opportunities for students who wish to continue their education through the 11 scholarship pathways offered.

11 scholarship programs that students can take advantage of including KIP-K scholarships, dhuafa scholarships, athlete scholarships, IT Vocational School alumni and influencer scholarships, disabled scholarships, invitation scholarships, local resident scholarships, Muhammadiyah school alumni scholarships, cadre scholarships, tahfidz scholarships and program scholarships Dare to Work Lecture (KBK)

The third vice-chancellor of UM Surabaya, Ma'ruf Sya'ban, who is in charge of innovation, student human resources and alumni, explained that the university would continue to be committed to helping the community through the scholarship programs offered. This is a university effort to assist the government in improving education.

"Not only KIP-K scholarships, UM Surabaya has opened eleven scholarship programs that can be used as well as possible. One of them is athlete scholarships, tahfidz, influencers, invitations to disabled scholarships," said Ma'ruf.

According to him, in the final moments after students were not declared to have passed the SBMPTN route, many students were discouraged and gave up hope regarding seeking scholarships.

"Hopefully students will not be discouraged in achieving education. In batch 3, UM Surabaya consistently opens registration through the scholarships offered," he added.

The requirements for the KIP-K (non-FK) scholarship include a minimum semester I-V report card score of 7.5. Attach a photo of the condition of the house and attach a KIP card or a certificate of incapacity from the sub-district or/ village head. The rights obtained related to the KIP-K scholarship are free of building and educational funds except for forms.

Meanwhile the requirements for the Athlete scholarship include recommendations from credible institutions, attaching championship certificates and being willing to sign a contract with (BAKAI). The right that is obtained is free of money Building and education funds except forms.

Furthermore, the requirements for influencer scholarships are that applicants must have an active and productive social media account, applicants must also be willing to sign a contract with (LIPMB). The right that is obtained is free of building money.

Furthermore, regarding the tahfidz scholarship requirements, applicants are required to memorize at least 3 juz of the Koran and be willing to sign a contract with BAKAI. The rights obtained related to the tahfidz scholarship are free of building money and education funds except for forms, registration for UTS/UAS semesters and practicum.

At the end of his presentation, Ma'ruf also added that the impact of the pandemic should not stop education. He also invited students who were interested in studying at UM Surabaya to register immediately, either through the scholarships provided or other routes. For further information regarding the requirements for the eleven programs offered, prospective students can visit the https://www.um-surabaya.ac.id page.