Enter FK UM Surabaya Can Use UTBK Value

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Gambar Berita Enter FK UM Surabaya Can Use UTBK Value
  • 23 Jun
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

Enter FK UM Surabaya Can Use UTBK Value

Announcement of the UTBK SBMPTN 2022 results is officially scheduled for June 23 2022 by the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT). For applicants who register and have an interest in a medical study program and are declared not to have passed, the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) provides the opportunity to use the Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK) score as an entry requirement.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban, vice-chancellor for three fields of student innovation and human resources explained that the entrance exam policy using UTBK scores had been running for the last four years. This is done as an effort to facilitate the registrants in the registration process.

"The UTBK test is of course very accurate and credible so it is appropriate to measure the initial abilities of prospective students. The registration process for the medical study program at UM Surabaya can use this score, "explained Ma'ruf through a written statement. Thursday (23/6/22)

Radius Setiyawan, Head of the Information Institute and New Student Admissions (LIPMB) explained in detail the provisions for the UTBK pathway. The technical flow of registration is not much different from the regular route, the difference is that applicants for the UTBK route are exempted from Computer Based Test (CBT) selection if their UTBK score is in accordance with predetermined standards.

"Registrants can use the UTBK score for the last two years, 2021 and 2022. After registering online, applicants submit a UTBK score certificate, if declared passed, applicants can immediately take part in a series of further tests." Radius explained.

“As for the next steps, namely; medical tests, psychology, MMPI and interviews," he added.

Radius also explained that special registration for the UTBK pathway for medical study programs was open until June 30 2022 and announced on July 1 and this program could be closed at any time if the quota was met.

Meanwhile, the fee for the UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) form is 500,000. For complete information, registrants can access the official website um-surabaya.ac.id and can consult at number 085852446337 (WA/Telephone).