Marisa Nasaris, New Student at UM Surabaya Wins a Disabled Scholarship from the Farthest Island of Golowelu, NTT

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Gambar Berita Marisa Nasaris, New Student at UM Surabaya Wins a Disabled Scholarship from the Farthest Island of Golowelu, NTT
  • 26 Sep
  • 2022

Foto Marisa Nasaris memakai kursi roda saat pembukaan MOX UM Surabaya (Humas)

Marisa Nasaris, New Student at UM Surabaya Wins a Disabled Scholarship from the Farthest Island of Golowelu, NTT

Marisa Nasaris Murti, a disabled scholarship recipient from Golowelu, NTT, was officially declared a new student at UM Surabaya Batch 2022. Maria was accepted as a student majoring in Informatics Engineering.

It feels like she's still dreaming, Maria looks teary-eyed. He still couldn't believe he could join the other 2035 new students during the opening of the Mastama, Ordik and UKM Expo (MOX) at the UM Surabaya yard, Monday (26/9/22)

“From elementary to junior high, I went to school in NTT. Then to be able to continue high school at the same level, I had to find a school that was disability-friendly. Finally, I moved to Malang and attended Bakti Luhur Vocational School majoring in social nursing," said Maria.

His motivation to continue going to school has made him never give up in the midst of the limitations he is experiencing. According to him, the Informatics Engineering major taken at UM Surabaya was not without reason.

“I have experienced a quadriplegic from a young age, unable to walk. So you have to use a wheelchair. The hope is that the Informatics Engineering Department will be an opportunity for me in the future to get a job," he said again.

According to him, Informatics Engineering graduates have many opportunities to work at home compared to other majors. Of course this will help him in the midst of the limitations he is living.

“Initially, I searched on Google for disability-friendly campuses. After the name UM Surabaya appeared, I immediately decided to go to Surabaya and look for information. After registering and carrying out online tests and selection interviews, praise God, I was declared passed," added Maria.

Maria admitted that her limited condition and old parents motivated her to continue studying seriously. Although not always the best, he managed to pass every level of education smoothly with good grades.

"Hopefully this will make you happy and lighten up the ladies and gentlemen who have continued to support them until now," he said.

Now is the time, for Maria to take advantage of the opportunity she gets. With free lectures and facilities, he is determined to study as well as possible at UM Surabaya and finish on time with a bachelor's degree.

According to him, what keeps him excited is the struggle of his parents, who always support him in every condition.

“Keep fighting and don't give up whatever the conditions are. God will provide a way for those who try,” concluded Maria.