UM Surabaya Students Pass Class 3 Campus Teaching Program

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Students Pass Class 3 Campus Teaching Program
  • 19 Jan
  • 2022

Foto Gedung UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas UM Surabaya)

UM Surabaya Students Pass Class 3 Campus Teaching Program

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) passed the 3rd batch teaching campus proghe program launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) succeeded in bringing UM Surabaya lecturers and students into teaching action in 2022. Wednesdayram. T (19/1)

Four students from the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) who passed selection in the teaching campus program included Oktavia Anggun Devitasari, Annisa Trianti Rahayu, Rahayu Itsna Lestari, Wahyu Aliffah Salsabilla and one Indonesian Language and Literature Education student (PBSI) Uswatun Khasanah.

Students who pass the teaching campus program will be in charge of teaching activities in several elementary schools, both in urban and rural areas. This activity will be carried out for 1 full semester starting at the end of January

Annisa, a UM Surabaya student who passed the campus teaching program, said that passing this program was very difficult. There are so many students who register, both from public and private campuses throughout Indonesia. So the competition is quite tight.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very happy because I was able to pass the program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Seeing the very large number of applicants up to tens of thousands of all students in Indonesia. At first I was a little unsure of myself," said Annisa in a written statement.

The students who qualify will teach at different elementary schools depending on the domicile where they live, and will later be joined by other students and will be guided by 1 lecturer.

"The teaching location is different, because it adjusts each domicile. Incidentally, I was placed at SDN Gulbung 4, Sampang Regency. Students who pass from UM Surabaya are placed in different locations," added Annisa.

At the end of his statement he hoped that his success in becoming one of the students who passed the teaching campus program could motivate other students to always be active in participating in various activities initiated by the government and universities.