FAI UM Surabaya Students Win Sanad Tahfidz 30 Juz

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  • FAI UM Surabaya Students Win Sanad Tahfidz 30 Juz
Gambar Berita FAI UM Surabaya Students Win Sanad Tahfidz 30 Juz
  • 24 Jan
  • 2022

Foto Nurul Islam pada wisuda pertama Ma’had Umar Bin Al-Khatab

FAI UM Surabaya Students Win Sanad Tahfidz 30 Juz

The first graduation of the Tahfidz program and D2 Arabic Ma'had Umar Bin Al-Khatab University Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) was held at the At-Tauhid Tower Building, 13th Floor (22/01/2022).

This graduation was Ma'had Umar Bin Al-Khatab's first graduation since being integrated with UM Surabaya in 2018. As many as 79 graduation participants attended this activity offline. Not only attended by graduates, the agenda was also attended by a companion/guardian as well as invited guests consisting of Muhammadiyah Branch Managers throughout Surabaya.

One of the graduation participants who completed memorizing 30 Juz was Nurul Islam Al Anshori. Not only completing memorization until completion, he and four other graduates also completed Sanad's achievement, namely ensuring that his memorization had a connected reading history.

Dean of the UM Surabaya Faculty of Islamic Studies, Thoat Setyawan, revealed that Nurul Islam, apart from being a graduate of the Tahfidz program, is also a student at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Islamic Studies.

"Currently, Nurul Islam is a final semester student at the Ma'had Umar Bin Al-Khatab Islamic Family Law Study Program in Surabaya and has completed the Munaqosah Thesis exam on January 20. This means that these students will graduate twice in the odd semester of 2021/2022, namely the graduation for the Tahfidz program and the graduation for the undergraduate program," said Thoat.

Thoat also added, the student born in 1994 was able to complete his undergraduate studies as well as the tahfidz program accompanied by a sanad, at the age of less than 28 years.

"Of course, this can be a motivation for Muslim youth in general, to be able to develop academic quality while increasing their understanding of religion," he concluded.