Students with disabilities can study for free at UM Surabaya, see the conditions

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  • Students with disabilities can study for free at UM Surabaya, see the conditions
Gambar Berita Students with disabilities can study for free at UM Surabaya, see the conditions
  • 14 Jul
  • 2023

Foto Mahasiswa Difabel Bisa Kuliah Gratis di UM Surabaya (Humas)

Students with disabilities can study for free at UM Surabaya, see the conditions

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) opens scholarship opportunities for people with disabilities who wish to continue their education to tertiary level. This scholarship path is included in the 11 flagship programs of UM Surabaya which have been around for the last few years.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban Deputy Chancellor III in charge of Human Resources and Student Affairs said that UM Surabaya disabled scholarships were only intended for quadriplegics.

"Students with disabilities who register must go through several stages including filling out the registration form, conducting a written test to the interview process," said Ma'ruf Friday (14/7/23)

Ma'ruf said that applicants who have passed will be exempted from building fees and education funds except for forms. Not only that, applicants who pass must also be willing to sign a contract with the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI).

Furthermore, he said that this scholarship could be accessed for all majors at UM Surabaya except the Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) and Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK).

According to him, this scholarship is a form of UM Surabaya's commitment to providing the best educational services for all components of society without discriminating between groups, one of which is by providing disabled-friendly campus facilities so that students with disabilities can carry out lectures safely and comfortably.

"Some of them have graduated and are working, hopefully this scholarship for the disabled can provide significant benefits and impact for themselves, especially for the community," concluded Ma'ruf.

Please note, that the registration for this scholarship has entered batch 3 which has been open from 1 July to 3 August. For complete information, see UM Surabaya's official website at or call the official number at 085852446337