Five Banks Provide Appreciation Funds to the Best Graduates

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Gambar Berita Five Banks Provide Appreciation Funds to the Best Graduates
  • 21 Nov
  • 2021

Foto penyerahan dana apresiasi secara simbolis oleh Bank Syariah Indonesia kepada Rektor UM Surabaya (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

Five Banks Provide Appreciation Funds to the Best Graduates

The 47th Graduation of the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya was held in Hybrid. At the graduation which was held at the At Tauhid Tower building from 20-22 November 2021, 1136 students graduated from Diploma, Bachelor to Masters levels.

As proof of their contribution to the development of education, Bank Syari'ah Indonesia, Bank Jatim, Bank Muamalat, Bank UMKM and Bank Rakyat Indonesia are here to provide award funds to the 7 best graduates from each faculty. A total of tens of millions of rupiah was given to the 57 best graduates at the faculty level.

Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, supported by five banks, proudly gives appreciation to the best graduates. Sukadiono explained that UM Surabaya had collaborated with Bank Jatim, Bank Syariah Indonesia, Bank Muamalat, Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank UMKM.

"Alhamdulillah, on this occasion the five banks supported the university to give appreciation to graduates with the highest GPA. I, as the chancellor, would like to thank these five banks which always contribute to university agendas," said Sukadiono in between activities.

Furthermore, Sukadiono conveyed to all graduates to apply the knowledge and skills obtained in college.

"I hope that the graduates are able to transfer knowledge and technology to the community. Mobilize their potential for the welfare of society," he concluded.

In addition, Alvira Alamanda Hafizh Ariyadi, the best FKIP graduate who received an almost perfect GPA of 3.99, expressed her gratitude to the university for all the facilities it has provided for these 4 years.

"At first I didn't expect to be a graduate with the highest GPA. My feelings were initially surprised and of course happy too. After 4 years, it turns out that I can get the highest GPA. Of course, this achievement could not be separated from the support from the lecturers who were maximal in guiding me," said Alvira when met after the graduation ceremony.