Lazismu UM Surabaya Provides Assistance to Students

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Gambar Berita Lazismu UM Surabaya Provides Assistance to Students
  • 29 Jan
  • 2022

Foto penyerahan beasiswa oleh sekretaris KLL Salman Al Farisi (Dok: pribadi)

Lazismu UM Surabaya Provides Assistance to Students

The Amil Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Institute (Lazismu) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) provided educational scholarships to underprivileged outstanding students on Saturday (29/1/22)

Two Lazismu scholarship recipients include Adinda Purnamasari Kaisuku and Irma Murni from the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) PG PAUD Study Program.

Secretary of the UM Lazismu Service Office (KLL) UM Surabaya Salman Al Farisi said that the delivery of this educational assistance was a mandate from donors which must be immediately distributed to those in need.

"The awarding of scholarships is a form of Lazismu UM Surabaya's commitment in the field of education so that students can continue their education well," said Salman in a written statement.

Salman also expressed his gratitude to the many donors or muzakki who have distributed their donations and zakat in the educational scholarship program.

"Hopefully what has been donated will become a savings finger in the afterlife. Let's move together in realizing noble ideals, namely helping someone to get a proper education," added Salman.

Furthermore, Salman hopes that the recipients of the Lazismu scholarship can really be put to good use, to be able to finish college, improve their achievements and become solutions providers for the community.

At the end of his presentation, Salman also explained that donors could send aid through an account in the name of Lazismu UM Surabaya or directly visit Building F, 1st floor UM Surabaya, jl. Sutorejo no. 59 Surabaya.