Again, Two UM Surabaya Athletes Win Champions in the 2021 Pencak Silat Championship

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Gambar Berita Again, Two UM Surabaya Athletes Win Champions in the 2021 Pencak Silat Championship
  • 30 Nov
  • 2021

Foto Fiqanda Taufiq Hidayat di ajang kejuaraan pencak silat virtual (Dokumentasi: Humas FAI)

Again, Two UM Surabaya Athletes Win Champions in the 2021 Pencak Silat Championship

Two UM Surabaya Athletes, Fiqanda Taufiq Hidayat, Islamic Family Law Study Program, and Fitri Nuraida Rizayasari, English Language Education Study Program, managed to make a proud achievement in the 2021 virtual martial arts championship event held by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Sunday (28/11/21)

Fitri Nuraida won 2nd place in the IPSI women's singles with a total of 427 points, while Fiqanda Taufiq Hidayat also won 2nd place in the men's IPSI singles with a total of 418 points. Both of them won the championship after competing against athletes from UM Jakarta, UM Purwokerto, UM Malang, UM Yogyakarta, UM Cirebon, ITB Ahmad Dahlan and several other campuses.

Fiqi explained that this competition was in the category of pencak silat, which featured a silat fighter demonstrating his skill in a standard single moment in a correct and full of psychology. Fiqi also added that competitions at the regional, national and international levels must continue to be the best and give the best.

“Competing at any level means carrying the name of the campus. Thank God, this is a satisfying result, but it shouldn't make me arrogant, I still have great hopes that I can continue to improve my achievements so that I can become an athlete at the Indonesian Pencak Silat National Team," explained Fiqi.

The competition that Fiqi and Fitri took part in was a virtual competition, all participants were asked to send a video demonstrating their silat movements, the video that was sent could not be edited at all because it was verified directly by the committee. Participants undergo direct judging virtually by the jury.

Meanwhile Junaidy Fery Efendi Head of Student Affairs and Innovation Bureau (BAKAI) is proud and appreciates the achievements that have been achieved by the two

"Grateful that UM Surabaya athletes have always made a real contribution, I hope that the achievements of the athletes can last forever. Hopefully the traditions of champions like this will always be maintained and become a motivation for other students to excel," he concluded