Visit the UM Surabaya Booth, Ketum PP Muhammadiyah Tests Smart Chair Innovation

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Gambar Berita Visit the UM Surabaya Booth, Ketum PP Muhammadiyah Tests Smart Chair Innovation
  • 17 Nov
  • 2022

Foto Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah saat mencoba inovasi kursi cerdas (Humas)

Visit the UM Surabaya Booth, Ketum PP Muhammadiyah Tests Smart Chair Innovation

The general chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Haedar Nasir, visited the UM Surabaya student innovation exhibition booth. When he arrived at the location, Haedar tried to ride the innovative Es-Cede smart chair for students with disabilities.

Haedar said the innovation by a team of students and lecturers from the UM Surabaya Disability Service Unit (ULD) was very useful and effective for people with disabilities, especially for the disabled.

This Es-Cede smart chair is equipped with a steering wheel, automatic drive that can move back and forth, speed control buttons and uses an electric battery and there is a folding table for writing and a laptop.

Apart from the general chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, other figures were also present, including Agus Taufiqurrahman, chairman of PP Muhammadiyah and Agung Danarto, secretary of PP Muhammadiyah.

Head of the UM Surabaya Disability Service Unit Idham Choliq said the arrival of the PP Muhammadiyah chairman and staff at the UM Surabaya booth was a support for lecturers or students to continue to innovate non-stop.

Idham hopes that the smart chair that he and his team initiated will not only benefit Muhammadiyah circles but also Indonesia.

On the occasion of the Muhammadiyah Innovation Technology Expo (MITE) exhibition which was held for five days, UM Surabaya not only exhibited smart chair products, but also 6 other superior innovation products including: Smart Wireless Stethocope (SWIPE), Magic Thermo Band Seizure Screening (MATOASS) , Blustoper 2.0, Aikko Prevents Stunting, Automatic Reborn Shrimp Drying Machine, Tool for Processing Plastic Waste into Liquid Fuel with the Pyrolysis Process.