Compact! Husband and Wife Graduation Together at UM Surabaya

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Gambar Berita Compact! Husband and Wife Graduation Together at UM Surabaya
  • 22 Nov
  • 2021

Foto pasangan Efriyanto dan Siti Elvira Indriyani di wisuda ke-47 UM Surabaya

Compact! Husband and Wife Graduation Together at UM Surabaya

The moment of graduation is usually the most awaited and most joyous moment to celebrate graduation. What's special is this married couple attended the 47th graduation of UM Surabaya together. They are the married couple Efriyanto and Siti Elvira Indriyani. Both admitted that they were very happy to be able to graduate together.

"Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful, on this occasion we were able to achieve our education target. Thank God my husband has good grades in Islamic Family Law. Elvira said that this graduation left a special impression for herself and her husband because during the COVID-19 pandemic both of them were able to hold graduation together," said Elvira at the At-Tauhid Tower, Monday (11/22/21)

Elvira said she graduated from a Bachelor of Islamic Family Law with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.47 while her husband obtained a GPA of 3.60 so he received a cum laude predicate.

"Actually, the difficulty was when working on my thesis, because my husband and I work, so we really had to be able to divide the time, especially during a pandemic plus our research together in field research became a bit delayed. Thank God, I am grateful and touched now that it has reached this point," he added.

Meanwhile, Efriyanto added that this graduation was a target planned and achieved by his wife. They support and encourage each other so they can graduate together this year.

"Together thesis, the confusion is also together, 6 months of research we support and encourage each other when working on it individually and sharing," explained Efriyanto, a man from Madura.

Efriyanto also added that he was very impressed with being able to graduate with his wife, because not everyone gets an experience like this.

"Very impressed and touched to be able to graduate with someone special in my opinion, for me this is a rare moment and not everyone can experience it. My message is that getting married while in college is not a reason to leave education, not an obstacle to not continuing education, with a halal partner, God willing, there will be a way," he concluded.