Komitmen terhadap Pemberdayaan, UM Surabaya Raih Penghargaan sebagai Kampus Inklusi

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Gambar Berita Komitmen terhadap Pemberdayaan, UM Surabaya Raih Penghargaan sebagai Kampus Inklusi
  • 31 Mar
  • 2022

Foto penyerahan penghargaan kepada UM Surabaya oleh MPM PP Muhammadiyah (Dok: Humas)

Komitmen terhadap Pemberdayaan, UM Surabaya Raih Penghargaan sebagai Kampus Inklusi

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) received an award as an inclusive campus that is disabled-friendly from the Community Empowerment Council (MPM) of the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah. The award was given directly to the Chancellor of UM Surabaya at the 48th Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Pre-Conference seminar at the At-Tauhid Tower Building Thursday (31/3/22)

"UM Surabaya is still committed to providing access to education for disabled groups through empowered disabled programs. Not only that, various community programs and research aimed at alleviating the mission and realizing prosperity have also been carried out," explained M Yamin as the Community Empowerment Council (MPM).

He added that the Muhammadiyah Central Executive gave its highest appreciation to UM Surabaya which continues to be committed to strengthening community empowerment that already has a solid religious and scientific basis.

"And today I see UM Surabaya as the first Muhammadiyah campus to become a pioneer as a synergy of the Muhammadiyah da'wah movement in the social field," he said again.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UM Sukadiono emphasized that the university would continue to be committed to assisting the reading house assisted by Ortom, the Cahaya Bunda community, the Yustisia foster home and the Surabaya Amputation Football Association (Persas), which is still being assisted to this day.

"UM Surabaya will continue to be a disabled-friendly university, UM Surabaya will continue to provide education that is just and non-discriminatory by upholding human rights and religious values in accordance with the Muhammadiyah organization," said Suko.

At the end of his statement, he hopes that Muhammadiyah universities in Indonesia will be more innovative and open so that the rights of people with disabilities to obtain education in higher education can be fulfilled and of course require careful planning in order to become an inclusive campus.