KLL UM Surabaya Hands Over Sang Surya Scholarship Fund to Students

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Gambar Berita KLL UM Surabaya Hands Over Sang Surya Scholarship Fund to Students
  • 17 Mar
  • 2022

Foto penyerahan beasiswa Sang Surya oleh Rektor UM Surabaya (Dok:KLL)

KLL UM Surabaya Hands Over Sang Surya Scholarship Fund to Students

The Lazismu Service Office (KLL) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) handed over Sang Surya scholarships to 10 students who were declared to have passed the scholarship selection at the At-Tauhid Tower Rectorate building.(15/03/2022)

Scholarship recipients receive tuition assistance in the amount of Rp. 2,000,000 in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The Sang Surya Scholarship Program was opened from February 22 to March 7, 22 and was attended by 279 participants who applied for scholarships consisting of various faculties at UM Surabaya.

UM Surabaya Chancellor Sukadiono said that the Sang Surya scholarship program was a form of UM Surabaya's commitment to students so they could continue their studies.

"The university will continue to be committed so that this scholarship will always be available every year. It is hoped that the presence of KLL Lazismu UM Surabaya will further enliven philanthropic values in the campus environment as a concrete form of higher education chess dharma," said Suko.

Meanwhile, UM Surabaya KLL secretary Salman Al Farisi said that the Sang Surya scholarship program will be held once every semester with an increasing number of scholarship recipients.

"Thank you to the donors or muzakki of the UM Surabaya lazismu office who have distributed their donations and zakat in this educational scholarship program, I hope that what has been donated will become jariyah savings in the afterlife," said Salman.

At the end of his statement he invited us to continue to move together so that those in need get proper education and can realize their goals through the help of KL Lazismu UM Surabaya.