KLL Lazismu UM Surabaya Distributes Ramadan Gifts for Local Residents and Marginalized People

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Gambar Berita KLL Lazismu UM Surabaya Distributes Ramadan Gifts for Local Residents and Marginalized People
  • 29 Apr
  • 2022

Foto penyerahan kado ramadan oleh wakil rektor 4 di masjid Al-Khoori UM Surabaya

KLL Lazismu UM Surabaya Distributes Ramadan Gifts for Local Residents and Marginalized People

At the end of Ramadan, the UM Surabaya Lazismu Service Office (KLL) together with the Mosque Ketakmiran Center (P2KM) held a Ramadan gift program, this activity was held in the UMSurabaya Al Khoory Mosque Hall on Thursday (28/4/22)

The Ramadan gift program was carried out by giving gifts in the form of groceries and cash to OB, Security Guards, Employees, Residents around the campus and Marginals.

This activity was attended and opened directly by Mundakir Deputy Chancellor 4 for Cooperation, Al Islam Kemuhammadiyahan and Digitalization.

Mundakir said that this activity would really help ease the burden on the community, especially during Ramadan and ahead of Eid, given the number of basic needs that have increased.

"This activity will be carried out routinely every Ramadan. I hope that in the future Lazismu UM Surabaya can provide greater and wider benefits for the community," said Mundakir.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of Lazismu UM Surabaya, Salman Al Farisi added that this Ramadan gift program was different from the previous year. Ramadan gifts this time were given to the campus internal and external community.

The internal campus community includes employees, OB, security guards, and parking attendants, while the external campus includes local residents and marginalized groups including small traders, scavengers, newspaper sellers and others.

"A total of 100 Ramadan gift packages have been distributed, both at campuses and delivered directly to beneficiary locations," said Salman.