The Inspirational Story of Jamaluddin, Studying While Becoming a Restaurant Chef Who Has Successfully Graduated for 3.5 Years

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Gambar Berita The Inspirational Story of Jamaluddin, Studying While Becoming a Restaurant Chef Who Has Successfully Graduated for 3.5 Years
  • 03 Jun
  • 2023

Jamaluddin wisudawan UM Surabaya yang berhasil lulus 3,5 tahun (Humas)

The Inspirational Story of Jamaluddin, Studying While Becoming a Restaurant Chef Who Has Successfully Graduated for 3.5 Years

Studying while working doesn't always have an impact on one's academics. This was proven by Jamaluudin, a graduate from Olatrawa Village, Moyohilir District, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) who managed to prove that he graduated quickly, namely 3.5 years.

The young man who was born in NTB, July 1 2000 was able to balance study and work amidst his busy life working as a chef in a restaurant in Surabaya. Jamal, as he was called, studied at UM Surabaya majoring in Islamic Religious Education (PAI).

Not without reason, when Jamal chose to be independent, it was because his father died in 2018 due to tuberculosis. After his father died his mother decided to become a migrant worker to provide for the family. Because of his dream of becoming a university graduate, Jamal decided to migrate to Surabaya to work while studying.

Jamal said that Bachelor graduates in his village were still relatively minimal. According to him, only 5% of young people attend school up to Bachelor's degree. Most of them went straight to work in the fields after graduating from junior high or high school.

Work from 12 PM to 8 AM

According to his account, Jamal worked from 12 at night to 8 in the morning. After working, Jamal immediately continued his studies until 4 in the afternoon. In the remaining time, he uses it to rest, sometimes also to do assignments.

"The worst thing is that sometimes I often fall asleep during college hours, even at the beginning of college I got a C, and that was a big warning for myself, after this incident I tried to improve myself by being more disciplined," said Jamal Friday ( 24/5/23)

As an independent child, he uses his salary to pay for college, pay for boarding and eat. According to him, if he is just stuck and not enough, he will just ask his mother. As the first child, Jamal really didn't want to burden his mother.

When asked for tips on how to pass quickly in the midst of a busy schedule, Jamal answered that the key is discipline in everything. Even at the beginning of college, Jamal had time to make a schedule, this was done so that he was always consistent and committed to the schedule that had been made.

"I really reduce hanging out, if there is more time I definitely use it to rest because health must be maintained, especially away from family," added Jamal again.

Next is maintaining value. Especially for courses with a large number of credits, because this will greatly affect the total GPA later. So the tips are when I start having trouble or no one understands I dare to ask my lecturer or friends to understand better.

"The goal of immediately improving grades is so that in the future bad grades don't pile up and of course it will be more difficult to correct them if they have accumulated," he said.

Jamal also said that students who choose to work should think about their thesis ahead of time. Underestimating a thesis will be very risky, because the thesis involves many parties, especially supervisors whose activities are unpredictable.

“My experience is to make it easier for me to find a thesis title that is closest to my life and that I truly understand. It's useless if the title is good and wow but doesn't explore and master the objectives to be studied, because that will make it difficult for yourself in the future, "he emphasized again.

Jamal admitted that he worked on his thesis several times at work, when the restaurant was empty of visitors, this was because his supervisor asked him to revise a number of things.

The last tip is always commitment to the original goal. This means that what was committed at the beginning must be fulfilled, even though we are lazy to attack we must return to the initial goal of completing the struggle.

Pass and Continue Study S2

Jamal admitted that now that he has graduated he will return to continue his Masters studies in Malang, even though he has already received an offer to become a teacher in Sumbawa. According to him, after graduating, he will return, namely by teaching and opening a business there.

"At this time, you still want to wander and increase your knowledge first," he concluded.