The Story of Asep Budiyanto, A Student Who Dedicates Himself to Teaching Mothers and Children Who Successfully Graduated Without a Thesis

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Gambar Berita The Story of Asep Budiyanto, A Student Who Dedicates Himself to Teaching Mothers and Children Who Successfully Graduated Without a Thesis
  • 03 Jun
  • 2023

Asep Budiyanto Mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Humas)

The Story of Asep Budiyanto, A Student Who Dedicates Himself to Teaching Mothers and Children Who Successfully Graduated Without a Thesis

Asep Budiyanto, a student from Pekalongan, Central Java, has an inspiring life, because since he was a student, Asep has been teaching recitation groups for mothers and children. The daughter of the pair Khairun and Nur Azizah seems to have had a bitter life before she received higher education at the Muhamamdiyah University in Surabaya (UM Surabaya).

Asep admitted that he wanted to stop continuing his high school studies due to financial constraints. According to him, his father worked as a laborer and his mother as a housewife. After graduating from SMP Asep, he worked at a Pekalongan convection specializing in making jeans and negligee. As an active figure in the mosque, Asep received a recommendation to continue high school with the condition that he must live at the Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan Boys Orphanage, Muhammadiyah Mifathul Ulum Islamic Boarding School.

Apparently while living at the Muhammadiyah Orphanage Asep had taught the children of local residents, it was thanks to his persistence that Asep got an offer to study at UM Surabaya and entered Mahad Umar bin Khattab majoring in Arabic for two and a half years. Then he returned to majoring in Al Al Ahwal As Syahsiyah. When he was a student in Surabaya he lived with a benefactor who wanted to pay for his studies, he also helped work there in a notary's office.

When asked about her teaching activities, Asep's mothers admitted that she taught the qoriah recitation once a week, while teaching the recitation for children she did it from house to house.

"To teach the Koran to my children I do it every day at the request of my parents, so from one house to another, and there are 8 houses," said Asep.

When asked about what he would do after graduation, Asep would continue his Masters studies and look for scholarships.

"Whatever the conditions, hopefully it can always be useful for other people," said Asep.

Apparently in completing his final assignment, Asep managed to graduate without a thesis because he wrote a journal entitled "Issuance of Family Cards for Siri Marriage Perspectives of Al-Maslahah Al-Mursalah".