Kevin Fogg Describes Research Challenges during the Pandemic

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Gambar Berita Kevin Fogg Describes Research Challenges during the Pandemic
  • 17 Dec
  • 2021

Foto Kevin Fogg Direktur muda untuk Carolina Asia Center University of North Carolina.

Kevin Fogg Describes Research Challenges during the Pandemic

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya International Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research (MICon) will be held on 15-16 December 2021. Many speakers of international repute attended the conference, one of which was Kevin Fogg, an expert on Southeast Asian history who currently serves as Youth Director for Carolina Asia Center University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States of America.

Kevin Fogg in this forum discusses Digital Research in a Time of Pandemic. According to Kevin, there are 2 challenges for academics during this pandemic. First, the different conditions often make it difficult for researchers to collect research data, as was done before the pandemic. In the end, we are forced to access virtually all information so that research can continue. The second challenge is that both academics and the general public consume information differently and today's academic products must also meet these changes.

This professor from the University of North Carolina also explained the changes during the pandemic. How to produce modern research that still engages the public. It exemplifies how Instagram accounts highlight manuscript studies, listenable podcasts and digital databases to collect data in new and interesting ways.

With so many changes in this era, Kevin invited MICon 2021 participants to think about the extent to which Indonesian academics are contributing to current research when access to libraries and archives is not normally available (16/12/2021).

"Where is the Indonesian digitization project to support research in this modern era? and how can Muhammadiyah support digitization, both to facilitate research and to make Muhammadiyah better known worldwide?” said Kevin at the MICon 2021 event.

Kevin then said that the questions above have been answered by today's program, that UM Surabaya is taking part in digitalization efforts to increase international networking and global cooperation. Kevin also appreciated UM Surabaya by having this conference as one of the proofs that Muhammadiyah academics continue to contribute to the world of research and research in the midst of a pandemic with various kinds of challenges.