Kemenparekraf Invites UM Surabaya Researchers to Restore Post-Pandemic Economy

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Gambar Berita Kemenparekraf Invites UM Surabaya Researchers to Restore Post-Pandemic Economy
  • 16 Dec
  • 2021

Foto pembukaan Micon 1st Internasional Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research

Kemenparekraf Invites UM Surabaya Researchers to Restore Post-Pandemic Economy

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) invites lecturers and researchers at UM Surabaya to synergize regarding economic recovery in the tourism sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic which is generally a major government program in 2021. This was conveyed by M Iqbal Rosyidi Researcher and Sub-Coordinator The Tourism Sector at the 1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research. Thursday (16/12/21)

Iqbal Rosyidi explained to the conference participants that there were at least five important things about potential research for the future of tourism including; technology-smart tourism and digitization, tourism sustainability and resilience, tourist behavior, tourism and tourism policies for inclusiveness and rural development.

"Higher education has an important role in improving the tourism sector, one of which is through community service activities which are definitely based on partnerships starting from village, regional to regional partnerships. UM Surabaya is in a strategic location, close to tourist attractions. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy cannot work alone, it is hoped that we can work together in synergy in economic recovery. Through research that has been initiated, it is hoped that it will help the government in the future. Therefore, I strongly encourage conference participants who are present to conduct research on potential research for the future of tourism," said Iqbal.

At the end of his presentation, Iqbal also added that he acknowledged that improving the quality of human resources (HR) was his main focus. Simultaneously with the development of national tourism infrastructure. Because of this, he admits that lecturers and researchers will always be involved in the Kemenparekraf program that he currently leads.

Responding to Iqbal's explanation, Mundakir, the vice chancellor in charge of collaboration and digitalization, immediately appreciated and encouraged lecturers at UM Surabaya to follow up and conduct research on potential research for the future of tourism.

“Tourism development is not just building infrastructure or creating activities. There are many important things, one of which is by increasing the interpretation of a place or tourism destination. In this case, it can put forward narratives, creative content, living culture and cultural strengths and many other things. I hope that Micon will not end here, the hope is that there will be serious follow-ups by UM Surabaya lecturers and researchers regarding tourism potential research that will have an impact on Indonesia's economic recovery," said Mundakir.