Kasim Botan and Muhammad Iqbal Officially Become UM Surabaya Students

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Gambar Berita Kasim Botan and Muhammad Iqbal Officially Become UM Surabaya Students
  • 19 Jun
  • 2023

Foto Penyematan Jas Almamater oleh Rektor UM Surabaya kepada Kasim Botan dan Muhammad Iqbal (Humas)

Kasim Botan and Muhammad Iqbal Officially Become UM Surabaya Students

Two mainstay players of Persebaya Muhammad Iqbal and Kasim Botan officially registered for college at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) on Monday (19/6/23)

Muhammad Iqbal, a player who was born in Kudu Ganting, Padang, West Sumatra, majored in Psychology S1.

Meanwhile, Kasim Botan, a player from Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), majored in Bachelor of Islamic Education (PAI).

The two Persebaya players entered UM Surabaya via the athlete scholarship route which waived tuition fees, building fees and forms.

When asked, the two athletes had their own reasons regarding the chosen major. According to Iqbal, he chose Psychology because he wanted to study science related to mental health.

“Being an athlete is definitely very close to mental health, I hope this knowledge will be useful for myself, especially for other people.

Meanwhile, Kasim chose to major in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) because he did have a strong interest in studying Islam. He hopes that the knowledge gained at UM Surabaya will be useful when he is no longer an athlete, especially when he returns to Flores, the city of his birth.

It is known that Iqbal and Kasim completed several requirements to become UM Surabaya students, in building A, 1st floor at the New Student Admissions Information Institute (LIPMB). Both of them filled out the online registration form, took a written test and collected the required files. After that, the two of them also attended debriefing from the Student Affairs Bureau regarding the curriculum and lecture schedule.

UM Surabaya Chancellor Sukadiono in his remarks said that UM Surabaya had long had a special curriculum designed for athletes, so that it would make it easier for lectures to be more flexible. Suko also said that until now there are more than 40 athletes studying at UM Surabaya through scholarships. Starting from rock climbing athletes, futsal, soccer, swimming athletes and various other athletes.

"Not only athletes from Persebaya, the university is open to all athletes throughout Indonesia," he said.

Suko also hopes that the knowledge gained by the athletes at UM Surabaya will be of use in the future, when they are no longer athletes.