The Gladak Kahuripan Bridge Made by the UM Surabaya Team Won the Bridge Construction Competition

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  • The Gladak Kahuripan Bridge Made by the UM Surabaya Team Won the Bridge Construction Competition
Gambar Berita The Gladak Kahuripan Bridge Made by the UM Surabaya Team Won the Bridge Construction Competition
  • 05 Nov
  • 2021

Ilustrasi Hasil mahasiswa teknik UMSurabaya

The Gladak Kahuripan Bridge Made by the UM Surabaya Team Won the Bridge Construction Competition

The UM Surabaya Team won the national level competition with a total score of 86.6965, right above Universitas Brawijaya. The UM Surabaya team won 2nd place in the Bridge Construction Competition organized by the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering (DTIS) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology and announced directly, Thursday (28/10/2021)

Emfadhil, a participant in the UM Surabaya Steel Makarya Team, said that the BCC is a bridge design and construction competition that is held every year. With the theme "Innovation of a Durable and Economic Bridge Design for Sustainable Infrastructure Development".

"The Gladak Kahuripan Bridge aims to create an innovative, durable and economical bridge design and build long-lasting infrastructure," he said briefly when confirmed in a written statement. Friday (5/11/2021)

The Makarya Baja team brought up the idea of a bridge with a Pratt-type Truss Bridge system with a bridge span length of 60m. With the Through Parker Truss frame type to produce the most efficient structural system. Represented by three team members who were registered as contest participants including Lukman Hakim, Nieneng Putri Rahayu and Emfadhil Tribruari Hadith.

Meanwhile, Junaidy Fery Effendi as Head of the Student Affairs and Innovation Administration Bureau (BAKAI) appreciated the achievements that had been achieved by students of the UM Surabaya Faculty of Engineering. The hope is that more competitions will be participated in both nationally and internationally.