Becoming a Student Volunteer for Semeru, UM Surabaya Admits 4 Credits of Studying

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Gambar Berita Becoming a Student Volunteer for Semeru, UM Surabaya Admits 4 Credits of Studying
  • 08 Dec
  • 2021

Foto Gedung At-Tauhid Tower UM Surabaya (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

Becoming a Student Volunteer for Semeru, UM Surabaya Admits 4 Credits of Studying

The eruption of Mount Semeru had a severe impact on the surrounding community and resulted in casualties. University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) through the Freedom to Learn Campus Freedom program (MBKM) a humanitarian project invites students to become Disaster Response Student Volunteers (MATANA). The program provides opportunities for students to increase empathy for social conditions.

Dede Nasrullah, head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UM Surabaya explained that humanitarian action is part of growing student empathy. This humanitarian project can be converted into Real Work Lecture (KKN) with 4 credits.

"We open opportunities for active UM Surabaya students to register as disaster volunteers. Selected students are recognized for their KKN course scores. This is part of the MBKM implementation," said Dede in a written statement (8/12/2021).

He also added that registration had just opened a day and dozens of students had registered. The large number of applicants will be subject to personal, administrative and interview selection. Those who pass will be dispatched.

M Ridlwan, Deputy Chancellor 1 for academics expressed his commitment to the importance of implementing the MBKM program.

"Campus must be responsive to disaster problems, especially the eruption of Mount Semeru. Hopefully through the MBKM program, namely in the context of this humanitarian project, the recovery of the eruption victims will be resolved soon" he said

He added that the program will be implemented for one month starting December 21 - January 21 2022 by carrying out a series of activities including providing trauma healing, carrying out recovery, guarding the public kitchen, distributing aid, educational assistance.

"Of course in this activity we will collaborate with MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center) who have experience in dealing with disasters, as well as Your lazis for distributing aid to victims" he added.