This is the Message from the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Regarding the Realization of Insyiroh Theology in the Ramadhan Study at UM Surabaya

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  • This is the Message from the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Regarding the Realization of Insyiroh Theology in the Ramadhan Study at UM Surabaya
Gambar Berita This is the Message from the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Regarding the Realization of Insyiroh Theology in the Ramadhan Study at UM Surabaya
  • 04 Apr
  • 2022

Foto Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah saat memberikan Kajian Ramadhan di UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

This is the Message from the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Regarding the Realization of Insyiroh Theology in the Ramadhan Study at UM Surabaya

Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah (PWM) East Java held a Ramadan study which was held at the At-Tauhid Tower building, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) and was attended directly by the General Chairperson of the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir on Sunday (3/4/22)

In his remarks, Haedar Nashir invited all members of the Muhammadiyah organization during the month of Ramadan to be reflective on the substance of the Muhammadiyah Organization movement that the substance of the movement must be the pulse in addition to building the Muhammadiyah Business Charity (AUM).

As an Islamic movement, Muhammadiyah relies on the Qur'an and Hadith which are reviewed in bayani, burhani, and irfani terms. Touching on the theme of the study of Insyirah Theology, Haedar said that QS. Al Insyirah can be used as a paradigm to address life.

"Actually, we can draw Surat Al-Insyiroh into a perspective that refers to Islam, how do we respond to life that is not always one color, does not verbalize on the surface, and sometimes the failures that humans face actually give meaning," said Haedar.

He explained about Al-Insyiroh's theology which stated that after difficulties there is ease which is repeated twice in the Al-Quran, meaning that the ease given by Allah does not wait after difficulties, but together.

"From Surat Al Insyirah, we learn about the Islamic worldview, the Islamic worldview of worldliness, one element of which is how Muslims understand the meaning of adversity with all its manifestations," said Haedar again.

He gave an example of the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon, of the many views that failed to manifest monotheism in the context of a pandemic. According to him, many people think that the Covid-19 pandemic, which causes difficulties, causes panic.

"From there, humans try to calm themselves down by simplification and looking at things superficially. Panic that makes people lose their theological anchors or lose the thoughts that Immanuel Kant calls pure reason," he said.

Pure reason, according to Kant, gave birth to Sapere Aude, namely the process of self-enlightenment because the mind is alive. This is where humans must learn that we want Al Insyirah Theology to present it as a sacred tool, namely the Al Quran in the reality of life.

At the end of his presentation he invited all participants who were present to understand how we apply Al-Insyiroh theology in our minds about the divine dimension so that it frames the human self and becomes our spiritual strength and mind to respond to life that moves to divine and human values.