This is the MOX Maba UM Surabaya 2023 Activity Schedule

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Gambar Berita This is the MOX Maba UM Surabaya 2023 Activity Schedule
  • 11 Aug
  • 2023

Mahasiswa UM Surabaya MOX 2022 (Dok: Humas)

This is the MOX Maba UM Surabaya 2023 Activity Schedule

New students at University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) 2023 will start campus activities from 10 September to 25 September 2023. It is known that MOX stands for Student Ta'aruf Period (Mastama), Campus Dynamics Orientation (Ordik) and UKM Expo (MOX).

New students at UM Surabaya will start attending the MOX technical meeting on September 10.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban, vice chancellor for three fields of innovation, human resources, student affairs and alumni, said that this year's MOX activities would include a variety of positive activities involving thousands of students.

"The MOX series agenda will start from September 10 to September 25, of course it will start with the opening of MOX, followed by Mastama, Ordik, UKM Expo to Faculty Ordik," said Ma'ruf Friday (11/8/23)

According to Ma'ruf, this MOX activity must be attended by new students who register in 2023, because this is stated in university regulations.

"Later on, students will receive a variety of materials, ranging from character development, campus introduction, vision and mission, facilities and infrastructure, student affairs, academic regulations and other things," added Ma'ruf.

Ma'ruf hopes that the series of activities carried out at MOX will be the initial provision for new students in increasing their own capacity and adaptation to the outside world so that they become problem solvers and encourage students to be active in increasing their self-competence.

MOX UM Surabaya Activity Schedule 2023

1. MOX Technical Meeting                          10 September 2023

2. Opening MOX                                           19 September 2023

3. Mastama                                                  20-21 September 2023

4. Ordic                                                          22-23 September 2023

5. UKM Expo and Closing                           23 September 2023

6. Ordic Faculty                                            24-25 September 2023

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