This is the fee when you are admitted to FK UM Surabaya

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  • This is the fee when you are admitted to FK UM Surabaya
Gambar Berita This is the fee when you are admitted to FK UM Surabaya
  • 22 Jul
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

This is the fee when you are admitted to FK UM Surabaya

Medical majors are often the target of prospective students every year, both on public and private campuses. Many prospective students who want to study medicine but have not passed on a public campus. Prospective students don't need to worry because there are still many private campuses that have superior facilities, one of which is Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya).

The Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya holds B (Good) accreditation from the Indonesian Health Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes). In establishing the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya was supported by the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University as a supervisor based on a cooperation agreement (MoU). In 2016 the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine has obtained permission from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti)

Prospective students need not worry, even though it is relatively new, the Faculty of Medicine UM Surabaya has national and international collaboration relations including Khon Kaen University Thailand, Medical Foundation Yong-in Mental Hospital Republic of Korea, Chung-Hwa University of Medical Technology, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology , Islamic Science University Malaysia (USIM), Management and Science University Malaysia, Oita University Japan, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science Taipei, Taiwan ROC, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science Taiwan, Asia University Taiwan, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology.

Not only that, UM Surabaya also has a main hospital as a teaching hospital. There are 31 affiliated and satellite hospitals, Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah hospitals throughout East Java and have also been ISO 900: 2015 and ISO 2100: 2018 international standardized.

Currently, the registration for the Faculty of Medicine (UM Surabaya) has entered batch 3 which was opened from 1 July to 22 August. Meanwhile, the implementation of the Computer Based Test (CBT) schedule will be held on August 23.

The cost of the college registration form at the UM Surabaya medical department is 500,000. Education funds amounting to 28,500,000 and building costs 225,000,000.

Meanwhile, regarding the general requirements for registering medical students at UM Surabaya, prospective students can register at home through the website or come directly to the New Student Admissions Information Institute (LIPMB).

Regarding requirements, prospective students can upload legalized diploma, NUN, NUS files, upload semester V and SKL report cards that have been legalized if the diploma has not been issued, upload KTP/KK files, upload a 3x4 color passport photo (free color), students science major with a maximum age of 24 years.