This is the Reason UM Surabaya Remains Persebaya's Official Partner in 2022

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Gambar Berita This is the Reason UM Surabaya Remains Persebaya's Official Partner in 2022
  • 18 Jul
  • 2022

Foto rektor UM Surabaya pada acara launching skuad Persebaya di Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya Minggu (17/7/22)

This is the Reason UM Surabaya Remains Persebaya's Official Partner in 2022

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) is one of the campuses which is the pioneer of the sponsorship program with the national football club Persebaya. Sponsors have a strong effect or influence on campus brand awareness.

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, emphasized that the results of a survey conducted regarding the cooperation between UM Surabaya and Persebaya over the last 2 years were able to increase exposure to the campus brand.

“There is a significant increase from people who previously did not know or did not understand, finally they understand. This is relevant considering that football is the number one sport that is popular in Indonesia," explained Suko on Monday (18/7/22)

Apart from that, according to Suko, 2022 will be a year of increased collaboration with Persebaya. There are many models of collaboration which during the pandemic could not be realized. Several things include apprenticeship programs, collaborations with bonek (Persebaya fans), sport marketing workshops, short course programs and other interesting agendas.

“In 2022, the stage will no longer be exposure. We want to be more at the interesting stage, namely the stage where people become more interested in UM Surabaya. We will certainly make this happen with a neat collaboration in 2022," he added.

He also said that he was very enthusiastic about the collaboration between UM Surabaya and Persebaya and he would continue to support Persebaya's development as champions in the 2022 League 1 season.

"This year, two athletes from Persebaya, Alwi Slamat and Muhammad Hidayat, officially became UM Surabaya students. Both of them are recipients of athlete scholarships given by the university,” explained Suko.

According to him, the continuation of this collaboration is a sign that UM Surabaya is not only a sponsorship, but a second home that accommodates the education of athletes.