These are 3 results of AIK PTMA National Coordination Meeting in Indonesia in Surabaya

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  • These are 3 results of AIK PTMA National Coordination Meeting in Indonesia in Surabaya
Gambar Berita These are 3 results of AIK PTMA National Coordination Meeting in Indonesia in Surabaya
  • 06 Jul
  • 2022

Foto peserta Rakornas AIK PTMA se-Indonesia di Surabaya

These are 3 results of AIK PTMA National Coordination Meeting in Indonesia in Surabaya

The Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) which was attended by Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) throughout Indonesia has just released a number of recommendations as AIK references in Muhammadiyah tertiary institutions on Wednesday (6/7/22).

The declaration of the results of the AIK National Coordination Meeting in Surabaya was carried out in view of and realizing that Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) in tertiary institutions are the soul, spirit, living values, behavioral references and PTMA driving force, so that the PTMA National Coordination Meeting for AIK declared 3 PTMA commitments in the future.

First, placing AIK as the main stream of education, research, and community service in the implementation of the PTMA Catur Darma.

The second is to make PTMA the center of the Muhammadiyah missionary and regeneration movement.

The third is to integrate AIK's knowledge in the context of the development of science and technology to realize universal humanity.

The results of the National Coordination Meeting's recommendation were to convey to the PP Muhammadiyah Higher Education Research and Development Council (DIKTILITBANG) to forward the AIK Surabaya declaration to the Muhammadiyah Central Executive as one of the discussion agendas in the Tanwir and Muktamar.

UM Surabaya Chancellor Sukadiono in his closing remarks hoped that the 3-day AIK National Coordination Meeting in Surabaya would simplify, beautify and speed up the AIK culturization process at PTMA.

"This is a real step in realizing Muhammadiyah's goals in managing business charity (AUM) as the basis for the formation of an Islamic society that aspires and a cadre of enlightening people and the nation," he explained.

He also hopes that the National Coordination Meeting this time will become an glue for cooperation as well as build commitment and common interests in the context of the success of the organization's goals and institutional excellence.

"Hopefully in the future the best achievement targets, strategies and methods for AIK education will not only become mandatory subjects at PTMA but also become living values," he concluded.