These are 2 Faculties at UM Surabaya which are the Priority for Batch 3 of KIP-K

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Gambar Berita These are 2 Faculties at UM Surabaya which are the Priority for Batch 3 of KIP-K
  • 01 Aug
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

These are 2 Faculties at UM Surabaya which are the Priority for Batch 3 of KIP-K

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) is still opening opportunities for outstanding students from underprivileged families through the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIP-K) scholarship route in 2022. The UM Surabaya KIP-K Scholarship has entered wave 3 which has been open since July 1, 2022 until 23 August 2022 and will be announced on 31 August.

However, as applicants for the KIP-K scholarship at UM Surabaya, prospective students need to know the strategy so that the opportunities they receive at the dream campus can be realized.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban, vice chancellor for three fields of innovation, student human resources and alumni, explained that in batch 3 there are 2 faculties that are the top priority for KIP-K scholarship recipients.

"Two faculties that are a priority include the Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI)," explained Ma'ruf Monday (1/8/22)

According to his explanation, the UM Surabaya Faculty of Engineering has 8 majors that can be utilized by using the KIP-K scholarship.

The eight majors include S1 Electrical Engineering, S1 Shipping, S1 Mechanical Engineering, S1 Civil Engineering, S1 Architectural Engineering, S1 Industrial Engineering, S1 Informatics Engineering and D3 Computer Engineering.

"Meanwhile, in the Department of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya has 4 majors including; S1 Islamic Religious Education (Tarbiyah), S1 Islamic Family Law (HKI/Syari'ah), S1 Studies in Religions (Ushuluddin) and S1 Sharia Banking," he added.

He hopes that in the last month, prospective students who want to register at UM Surabaya can make the best of this opportunity.

He also explained that the KIP-K scholarship is an educational assistance program from the government through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) for outstanding high school, MA, SMK (equivalent) graduates who come from underprivileged families.

"Hopefully the scholarships provided by the government through UM Surabaya can increase the expansion of access and opportunities in tertiary institutions for Indonesian Citizen students (WNI) who are economically disadvantaged," he concluded.