Implementation of MBKM, UM Surabaya Synergistic with PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong

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Gambar Berita Implementation of MBKM, UM Surabaya Synergistic with PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong
  • 04 Nov
  • 2021

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

Implementation of MBKM, UM Surabaya Synergistic with PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong

Thank God, today Monday 05 October 2021 a Memo of Understanding was signed between the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya and PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) Surabaya. The MoU signing procession from the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya was represented by Dr. Mundakir, S.Kep.,M.Kep as vice chancellor 4 in the field of Cooperation, while at PT TTL represented by Wahyu Widodo, as Director of Finance, HR and General Affairs. The signing of this MoU was held at the office of PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong

PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) is one of the subsidiaries of PT. Pelindo 3 which is engaged in the transportation of port goods located in the Romokalisari area, West Surabaya.

With the motto of the First Environmentally Friendly Port in Indonesia, this container port, which was established in 2013, has received many awards at the national and international levels.

As stated by vice chancellor 4 that this collaboration is a follow-up to the Ministry of Education and Culture's Program on lecturer internships in companies. "We are grateful that 2 UM Surabaya lecturers received grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristekdikti for internships in companies, one lecturer from FEB and one from an FT lecturer. Hopefully with the internship program at this company the quality of lecturers will increase and lecturers can share experiences and know the skills needed in the world of work, "said Mr. Mun, the nickname of Vice Rector 4.

Collaboration between UM Surabaya and PT. This TTL is a manifestation of the implementation of the MBKM (Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka) program, and is expected to benefit both parties. PT Teluk Lamong can convey work experience to the industrial world in the form of public lectures, accept apprentice students and other PT tri dharma activities, while from UM Surabaya it can open new study programs that support the development of the industrial world and further education opportunities to improve company human resources. “We at PT TLL are very open to the world of education, both from public and private universities. We realize that there needs to be a link and match between the world of education and the world of industry," said Mr. Wahyu, Wahyu Widodo's nickname

Mr. Wahyu also conveyed that there was a transfer of knowledge from lecturers and students who were apprentices in the industrial world considering that the development of knowledge and technology was very fast. PT TTL's policy of accepting lecturers and apprentice students is an instruction from the Ministry of BUMN in supporting the MBKM program from the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology. Moreover, several non-operational private companies have even gone bankrupt due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also present to accompany Vice Rector 4 in the signing of the MoU between UM Surabaya and PT TLL included Dr. Sujinah, M.Pd as the Head of the Institute for Assessment and Development of Learning (LP3), Deputy Dean I of FEB, Head of FEB Accounting Study Program, and secretary of the Office of International Affairs and Cooperation (KUIK) UM Surabaya.