Almost Dropped Out of School but Now Becomes a Lecturer, Wins Various Prestigious Scholarships and Awards

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Gambar Berita Almost Dropped Out of School but Now Becomes a Lecturer, Wins Various Prestigious Scholarships and Awards
  • 13 May
  • 2022

Foto Arin Setyowati Dosen UM Surabaya (Humas)

Almost Dropped Out of School but Now Becomes a Lecturer, Wins Various Prestigious Scholarships and Awards

Nothing is impossible, if someone is diligent, serious trying to achieve goals. No matter the family's economic background, everyone has the right to get a proper education to change their fate in the future.

This inspirational story comes from University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Lecturer Arin Setyowati, the son of a casual worker from Kapas Bojonegoro who is now an economist and has many achievements.

The daughter of the late Kartiono and Ninik Isnaini was able to prove that success does not only belong to those who have a hard time but also those who struggle. Born of 3 siblings and being the only woman is not an easy thing for her. Apparently when he was about to enter SMK, Arin almost dropped out of school because of financial constraints.

"So, at that time, my father worked odd jobs, starting as a big truck driver, small truck and working as a pedicab driver, while my mother was selling crackers and salad at the market, sometimes also traveling," said Arin Tuesday (12/13/22)

According to his narrative, he was not supported by his family when he was about to enter the Vocational High School because of financial constraints. Arin admitted that it was difficult to eat, let alone to pay tuition fees every month. He even chose a vocational school for a reason. He thought that if he could not continue on to university, at least he could immediately work

“At that time, when I registered at SMK I had no money at all, only money to pay for the bus, but I was still sure I would just come and register. Apparently God helped me through an intermediary friend so I could register that very day," recalled Arin.

It seems that this woman, who has had a hobby of learning since she was little, has always been a class champion from elementary to vocational high school. Because of his intelligence during SMK Arin received a scholarship from the school so he did not have to pay tuition fees in full.

Work at Typing Rental to become Admin

After graduating from Vocational High School, his life was not immediately easy, he still kept dreaming of being able to continue on to higher education, he even enrolled at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). But luck was not on his side, plus his father died that year, so he slowly buried his dream.

A few months after his father died, he received an offer to study from the Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Regional Leader at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) through a cadre scholarship, without thinking twice he took the offer and majored in Islamic Family Law (HKI). Because he only gets free tuition fees, he has to keep working to pay for food and boarding houses in Surabaya.

“That morning I worked at the rental until the afternoon. Then in the afternoon lectures, at night there are more organizational activities of the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM)," said Arin.

He worked at the rental for up to 1 year. Then in the second year he was asked to become an admin at SD Muhammadiyah 24 Surabaya and teach computers. He did this work until the Community Service Program (KKN) because he wanted to be more focused in the final semester. After graduating from UM Surabaya he did not immediately get a permanent job, he worked as an administrator for Matan magazine while preparing for further studies at Gadjah Mada University.

"Alhamdulillah, at that time, I applied for a lecturer candidate scholarship and was immediately accepted by the Department of Religion and Cross-Cultural Studies with a focus on Islamic Economics," said Arin.

It seems that during his master's degree, economic problems were still an obstacle, because his scholarships were always disbursed late, so he often ate a simple meal. But thanks to the scholarship, he was also able to help support his younger sibling's school fees until he graduated. During his time as a student at UGM, Arin received an award as a diligent student who visited the library.

Won Many Awards to the Best Lecturer Version of the 2022 Ministry of Education and Culture

After graduating from UGM, Arin became a lecturer at UM Surabaya. He has produced dozens of studies and received grants from the government. Not only that, Arin is also the initiator of a sharia financial smart village where the majority of the people are ensnared in loans and loan sharks in the Tempurejo area of Surabaya. Thanks to his persistence, he was chosen as the best accompanying lecturer in the PHP2D grant in Ministry of Education and Culture Service in 2021.

Not only that, he is also a recipient of the Taiwan MOFA Research Fellowship. As an economist, all of his writings and ideas are easily found in national online mass media. Now the mother of one is completing her doctoral studies at Airlangga University thanks to the BPPDN Awardee Dikti scholarship majoring in Islamic Economics.

"The best way to take revenge is to improve yourself by achieving," concluded Arin